Dearest Flower

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Taehyung was looking outside by the window, as his teacher discusses their lessons in math. His mind was thinking of something else. Thinking of someone actually.

Taehyung had been receiving a bouquet of flowers every single day. But up until now, he didn't have any idea whose the one behind it. And if Taehyung did, he would like to thank that person. Since, it made Taehyung's day.


He was pull out from his daydream when his attention was called by his teachers

"Yes Ma'am?"
"You weren't listening. Kindly solve this problem"

Taehyung immediately stand up and walked towards the board and started solving the problem. Gasp were heard from the room, the moment Taehyung solved the problem without sweats. He mentally thank his self for studying the lesson in advance last night.

"Very good! You can now go back to you seat"
"Yes ma'am"


It was lunch break and Taehyung didn't have any appetite. He wanted to sleep, since he stayed awake late last night after studying, but his friends won't let him and was drag in the cafeteria after.

"I heard you've been called out. What's on your mind lately?" Seokjin one of his most trusted best friend asked him.
"I was thinking of—"
"He was thinking of flower boy" Yoongi another one of his most trusted best friend cut his words.

Taehyung knew his admirer was a boy. But he don't know who he was. The boy was mysterious itself and hard to catch. Taehyung tried many times just to caught a glimpse of him. But he failed. His admirer was good at hiding his self.

"If only I knew who he was"

Seokjin and Yoongi looked at each other, then looked back at their best friend

"You already like flower boy?" Seokjin asked while fluttering his eyes teasing Taehyung
"You bet he is" while, Yoongi replied easily

This made Taehyung remained silent and just sighed.

"Seokjiniee?" Namjoon, Seokjin's boyfriend came along with his other friends, naming Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok

"Jooniee!" Seokjin immediately stand up and run to his boyfriend.

"Hello Yoongi-hyung, Taehyung-ah" Namjoon grated the two

"Hello Hyung!"
"Sup Namjoon"

"Hi Taehyung-hyung!" Jungkook wave and run to Taehyung giving him a hug, and so does Hoseok. Jimin just bow his head and remained silent the same as usual.

Taehyung notices how Jimin would stay silent whenever his around. He discover it months ago, when he went to the cafeteria looking for Yoongi and Jin. There he saw Namjoon, Jungkook, Hoseok and Jimin too. They were all smiling and laughing. It was a rare sight for Taehyung to see Jimin smiling and laughing.

In all honest, Taehyung thought Jimin is handsome. Well, Jimin is not just handsome, he is kind and considerate to all. And Jimin always smells nice. Like he was wearing different kinds of flower perfume everyday. And Taehyung has a crush on him.

Well, as soon as he came to their table, he saw Jimin's smile falter and he became silent, the whole time Taehyung was with them.

Taehyung then knew Jimin doesn't like the fact of him being around. Of course, he was devastated knowing his crush dislike him. So, Taehyung tried his best to accept and move on. But, of course, even up to now Taehyung would still occasionally steal glances of him in secrecy. He still likes Jimin very much.

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