A heart never forgets

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Jimin's heart was hurting again. As he watched a particular boy laughing in a distance with a hair color the same as the fallen leaves on an Autumn tree...

Its been a year since that incident happened

And its been a year since his heart is not in good shape

Kim Taehyung, the boy his currently watching was his boyfriend last year. And they were so inlove with each other

However after that tragic incident happened

Taehyung got into an accident from the bus he was riding on the way home that very night

Lucky he survived, however he lost his memories about himself and mainly about Jimin

Jimin couldn't go near to him after what happened and even until now. When Taehyung's parents know about his erase memories they took this opportunity to take him away from Jimin. Since from the very beginning they didn't like Jimin as Taehyung's boyfriend

And of course, this break him million times. All Jimin could do is watched him from afar. Praying one day Taehyung would regain his lost memories, and their love for each other. Hoping that the younger will suddenly run into his arms again

He missed him so much more than anything in this world. He missed Taehyung's presence near him, his smiles, his laughs, his voice, his smell, his touch, his gesture, his cares, and mainly his love

Jimin is honestly breaking, to the point his dying. Dying from missing his beloved. He one time attempted to take his life. As he sees no reason for it any longer. Taehyung is better off without him. Taehyung doesn't even remembered he exists. And so Jimin wasn't willing to live any more. He wanted to disappear without a trace.

But he was put to stopped by his good friends, who remained with him through his darkest times. Encouraging him, as well as being hopeful that one day Taehyung will regain his memories back.

"Jimin-hyung? Are you okay?"

He was out of his trance the moment he heard his friend Jungkook

"Huh? O-oh. U-um yeah. I'm okay Kookie" he said smiling but the younger could see he is hurting again from the inside

Jungkook looked at his direction, as he saw Jimin looking at Taehyung again

"How is he?" Jimin asked out of nowhere. He knew only Jungkook can go near that boy. As he is Taehyung's best friend since they were little.

"He is fine... However--" Jungkook was gonna say something but he didn't continued. He didn't want to Jimin to have high hopes after he said those words...

"However?" Jimin continued as he looked at the younger, anticipating for his words

"However, his been eating a lot lately" Jungkook chuckled awkwardly, of course those aren't true

"Oh? Really? That's good. I'm glad he eats a lot lately" Jimin smiled, feeling a bit happy for Taehyung

Jungkook mentally reminded his self to talked to the others about what he discovered last night after visiting Taehyung. And the others are Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok, except Jimin.

Jimin can't hear those words not unless his sure about it...

"Let's go home hyung!" Jungkook said as he hold Jimin's hand and drag him from his position, the two almost running, on their way home. As it is just a few blocks away from their school


They didn't notice a certain boy looking at them from behind, as he slowly clench his aching heart.

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