Love Collapse

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It was in the midst of September, when the scorching sun made Kim Taehyung felt a bit dizzy. And the worst part, he's currently attending their class discussion, which is a pain for him, since he didn't want to bother the entire class when he suddenly collapse out of nowhere.

He hated attending summer class in this kind of weather. It made him sick from head to toe. Although, he didn't hate the season, he just hate the temperature of the weather.

He wants to ask the teacher for permission but his aching head is stopping him from doing so. In which made Taehyung mumbled some curses and decide to just close his eyes.

But soon after that, his eyes flutter opened when he heard his classmate/seatmate Park Jimin talked...

"Umm. Excuse me sir" Park Jimin raised his hand to call the attention of their teacher, in which the teacher respond, making their classmates looked back to him a bit curious

"Yes? Mr. Park? Do you need anything?"

"Sir, Kim Taehyung isn't feeling well. Can I take him to the school clinic?"

The silent room was suddenly filled with shouts, noise, laughs, giggles and whistles coming from their nosy and issue maker classmates.

Taehyung didn't mind though, since its always been that way. Their classmates would pair him and Jimin up for no reason. And he doesn't understand why. Although, he really had a secret crush on Jimin, but he never said it to anyone nor show it.

Well, who wouldn't like Park Jimin? He's a complete package. From being nice, despite of his masculine character to his angelic face. A perfect example of a human angel. As what Taehyung thought. But oddly enough, Taehyung would never have any chance to him, he thought, since Jimin is straight as a line.

Taehyung's identity on the other hand is known to all. But no one dares to bully him, as his the model student of his school. Perfect from face to brains. His like the superiority of all. But Taehyung remained humble to the bone. He helps those people who ask him for help especially in studies. But he never had friends to hang out with, and he didn't bother to find one. He and Jimin are the complete opposite. Park Jimin is a social butterfly and a friend to all.

Their classmates never stopped teasing both of them. Taehyung on the other hand was so dizzy both from the noise and his stupid headache and was about to stand up, but he suddenly collapsed

The teasing noise was change to loud gasped as they saw Taehyung collapse, lucky Jimin was near so he was able to catch the younger whose currently unconscious.

Their teacher and some of their classmates panic, but Jimin just lift Taehyung up hold him in bridal style and immediately bring him to the school clinic.

*School Clinic*

"He's lack of sleep, and his body was a bit overhelmed from the heat. He'll regain his conscious afterwards. Tell him to drink lots of water, to sleep 8hrs and don't forget to tell him to bring an umbrella. It won't be good for him to stay under the heat of the sun" the school nurse, said to Jimin as he nods in respond...

"Thank you Mrs. Kang"

The nurse just smiled and patted Jimin's shoulder as she leaves them alone.

Jimin didn't go back to the class. He wants to wait for Taehyung to wake up. And honestly he was freaking out when Taehyung suddenly collapsed. He caress Taehyung's hair that covered his face, as he mumbled...

"Damn Kim Taehyung you're the reason for my death" as he hold his hands firmly, waiting for the younger to finally open his eyes...

He didn't payed attention to their teachers discussion as always, as his eyes lingers towards Taehyung's side profile. In which he notice Taehyung's odd complexion, making him panic enternaly.

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