Chapter 11

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I don't want to see her..!" I felt a quite sob run through me as tears danced and ran their way down my cheek.Why cant I stop crying?


(Still naruto's p.o.v)

"Oi. Sensei." I whispered out through the quite sobs. "Why is it always me?" I asked Jiraya's grave quietly. "I had that nightmare again. A well as the other dream." I stared for a moment at the stone gravestone marker before continuing on. "I am not sure about this anymore, sensei. I can feel myself slipping and I'm scared. I've tried so hard to keep it away, but now its back. I done everything!"I cried out softly. "I can hold the weight of worlds if thats what Konoha needs. Be its everything. But, Im only human! i bleed when i fall down. I'm only human. I crash and i break down. I am not a robot, I-" my voice broke and trembled. "I have my limits too. I am vulnerable-" i broke off my body shaking to much with the tears coming down my face. "I know, it wont be like before. I am stronger now. But. It hurts all the same, sensei." I took a breath. "I am still a child, i guess." I slowly rose to my feet. But i think i will do my best to grow up. Starting with facing Rei." I turned towards the exit. Left, right. One foot at a time. An slowly i walked toward my home. I pushed a smile up and out onto my face. Forcing a grin. Its a skill i am quite good at. And sometimes, it comes in handy. Even now. I arrive home to see the people from the shop deliver the bed. I pushed it into my room and slid my old bed into rei room. Hey! i wanted to have the bigger bed. Can you blame me? I put some blankets and pillows on each bed and then went about tiding my room, up. The rest of the house was fine. Already clean. My room would be too, if not for all of the various scrolls and tools laying about. I scratched my head, before An idea popped its way in. Shelves and drawers! I went ou and bought some wood and carious other items i would require and built up a set of shelves the took up one side of my entire room. Then, quickly, fixed up drawers which would take up all of the space from my waist down. "There." I said to myself. "Done." I quickly tossed all of my tools into their now home. They almost filled the drawers. The scrolls where placed neatly, well. Sort of neatly, on the shelves. There. Done. I glanced back. I still have some left over wood. "Guess i bought to much, huh." My voice seemed loud in the stillness of the house. I frowned for a moment before i used the rest of it to build a little bedside table withe a three little drawers on. Picking up my new little creation i carried into Rei's room and set it next to her bed. There. All better. I wandered into my room and glanced at the clock. 8:00 pm. Hmm. Well, i might be able to squeeze in a nap, right? Ah what the hell. Might as well, and i jumped onto my new bed and fell asleep quickly, grinning to myself.

"Hello?" i said quietly as i opened my eyes. It was dark. I shut my eyes then opened them again. There was no difference. I felt something on my eyes. Cloth. A blindfold. My gut twisted. "Im dreaming..." The words came out of my mouth in a hushed soft tone. Cold hard metal was wrapped around my wrist. I could feel it. I felt the cool metal in chains around my body, crossing about me like it was a simple rope.
"I am dreaming." I sad it again louder. More to convince myself than anything else. I felt something whip and wrap itself around my leg, sharply an with an audible crack the strange object or thing seemed to lick my body. I let out the tiniest of whimpers and them. It was gone. the scene around me shifted, and what lay before me was the night sky. Tall tree's made slight marks against the sky but the stars and moon were still clearly visible. I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist and a head bury itself into my back. a lump formed in my throat as i heard the a voice lift into the sky the familiar but painful song. "Clear...." I mumbled out.

"Yura Yura Yurameku Nami no mae ni..." His angelic voice lifted up into the sky causing my heart to tremble.
"Dont forget naruto. You promised me." The arms tightened around me slightly before i felt the start to dissolve and fade.

"But I have kept my promise." I muttered. "I refuse to include Rei. Its her fault. You know. Its all her fault.

(Tsunaide's p.o.v)
Dammit! Where is the annoying brat?! I chewed my thumb as my head tumbled over the question. Snorting i turned towards shizune who was standing next to me. Just as i was about to speak, the door slid open and two anbu ninja's were standing next to the strange woman. Rei uzumaki. I nodded towards the anbu. The knelt and dissolved into nothingness. Rei smiled.

"Hello hokage-sama. I am Rei Uzumaki. It is a pleasure to finally meet you." I examined her from my chair. Rei held her self, strangely. Almost as if, she considered her self better than most other. Although she still addressed me using the appropriate honorific. Her brown hair was longer than it had seemed in the photograph that we had. It was in a thick braid that hung down to the back of her thighs. Her face was soft, but her held nothing. Empty and void of emotion. She wore a vivid green dress that draped across her shoulder and hung in billows the sleeves were long and rested on the ground. All in all she looked like she had power. My eyes narrowed. This woman wont get any positions of power. I nodded toward her.

"Welcome Rei. Naruto should be here shortly." Rei nodded, and then silence filled the room like a fog. Seconds passed. A clocked ticked in the background. Each tick make my temper get more and more thin. Unable to bear the never ending tick tock, i stood up startling shizune.

"Tsunaide sama, what are-" my finger connected to the little annoying clock on the wall and it spilt off into a thousand little bits.

"There. Thats better." I said, feeling pleased with myself. I walked back to my desk and sat. Now it was too quiet. I sighed. "Shizune. Take Rei to Naruto's place." Shizune blinked at me,

"But Tsunaide-sama!!"

"Just do it, Naruto probably fell asleep or forgot about it, and i dont want to be waiting on him all night!" I growled out irritated. Shizune sighed and walked towards the door.

"This way mrs. Uzumaki. " rei stood and followed shizune out. I grinned. Finally!! I reached down in the bottom drawer of my desk and pulled out a bottle of sake and licked my lips.

"Heheheh!~ sake all for me!" I sang to myself before drinking it straight from the bottle.

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