Chapter 12 - Whats Wrong Naru-Chan?

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"This way mrs. Uzumaki. " rei stood and followed shizune out. I grinned. Finally!! I reached down in the bottom drawer of my desk and pulled out a bottle of sake and licked my lips.

"Heheheh!~ sake all for me!" I sang to myself before drinking it straight from the bottle.

Now- (naruto p.o.v)

I woke up, and my head was all foggy. I dragged myself out of my new and bigger bed towards my little kitchen. I yawned loudly as i grabbed a pack of ramen from the cabinet. Busting it up i shoved it into a pot and sloshed some water before turning the stove on. As it boiled the noddles i stood there like a zombie. I grabbed a spoon an stirred. A ding brought me out of semi zombiefied state. I threw the roman into a bowl and sat it on the table and started to eat it. It was yummy. It reminded me of Jiraya. I miss the old pervert man. He was like a father to me. A tear leaked out, when all of a sudden i felt arms wrap themselves around me. My breath caught.

"Aww, naru-chan, are you ok? Tell mama whats wrong." My blood turned to ice. I gulped.

"Naruto, hokage-sama had asked me to escort Rei over to your house since you hadn't shown up yet." I heard a voice that sounded as if it belonged to shizune say. Shit. I fell asleep and forgot about it. I felt Rei's body twist,

"Thanks Shizune for showing me where he lives!" I turned my head to see a smile upon Rei's face. I blink for a second shocked. Rei, smiling, in my presence. I looked at her closer, and saw the lack of joy in her eyes. Ahh, for a second there i almost believed she wanted to see me. Stupid me. I blinked as i saw shizune leave. Crap, i had zoned out and missed the entire conversation!! I groaned inwardly. The door clicked shut and Rei removed her arms from around quicker than i would have thought possible. She patted her arms as if there was dust on them that she was trying to get rid of. She took a deep breath and turned towards me.

"Hello mother." I said softly. She glared.

"You have already forgotten the rules haven't you?" She snorted. "Address me as Mistress, when ever there is no one around, you may only call me mother in public, i expect breakfast ready by 8, and the place looks like a dumpster threw up on it. And quit eating those disgusting noddles." She finished her rant with a satisfied look. I glared at her and stood.

"No, mother." I said quietly. "I will not do those things. I am not as weak as i once was. And i will live my life how i please. I have allowed you to come into my house, but you do not own me."
Rei frowned before she flipped out her wrist and pushed a small little gem on her bracelet. My body arched and i felt bolts of pure blazing Pain run through my body. I gasped for air as i collapsed, and fell to the floor.
Then it stopped.

"That is just small sample. Do not disobey me again. You filthy IT." And with a flourish she walked away towards her room. I was still on the ground gasping. I hadn't felt anything like that, since i had left. I pulled my self up and dragged myself back to my room and fell onto my bed. I let out a small whimper. I thought things would be different. But she still has power over me. A single tear escaped. This was not how i wanted things to go. I don't know how much time had passed before My door creaked open, an i glanced up, Rei was standing there in my doorway.

"Hey. Do you want to play a game?" She asked me with a grin of pure sickening pleasure. No, no, i don't want to play her games!

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