chapter 53 - Fuck

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"you want to know why hmm?" he grinned, something i had never seen him do. I felt sick. "well. why dont we find out...."


this chapter contains explicit content. Viewer discretion is advised. Please read this chapter maturly, and feel free to skip forward to the next chapter if desired. No super duper major plot point will be missed in doing so. For those who do choose to read it,


I crept backwards but it was no use. His large hands gripped my shoulders tightly and his spun me around and pinned me to the floor. I could feel his weight crushingly pin me underneath hi as he tied my hands up above my head. He stood and dragged me over to the bed where he tossed me on and looped the other end of the rope to the head board. My heart was pounding. What, is he going to do to me. He licked his lips and reached over tearing off the poor excuse i had for a shirt. It feel in pieces. I panted slightly, i didnt like this feeling. The feeling of being exposed. my hands were trapped high above my head by the rope which he had knotted firmly into place using the headboard. His fingers trailed along my stomach, sending cold shudders down my spine. He face held cold enjoyment. Snorting at my face and stripped me of my pants, and i felt bare. My entire being was being laid out before him. no clothes. i was completely bare. i wiggle around and whimper.

"please, don't! i promise it will better next time, please!" i asked him, so that he might stop whatever was coming next. But if he had heard me he paid me no heed. Instead he had turned his attention to his own clothes. Taking off his shirt, then his pants. and then. his boxers. i shivered. i don't understand. i don't - i cant- just why? My mind was muddled up. lyerick pulled on my ankle and dragged my body further downward, until i cried out from the ropes grasping so tightly at my wrists. he moved closer, and stood on his knees over me. he body towering over my own childlike form. his hand reached to grasp my hair, and yanked my head towards his pelvis.

"suck." he said, as he had rammed my face towards his member. i shook my head and tried to pull away from him. but he was to strong. once more, i am to weak to do anything. Growing impatient, he used his other hand to pry open my jaw an shove his cock into my mouth. Upon its sucess at aid his cock into enter my mouth uninvited his hand fell away from my jaw as he began to move. i could hardly breath. the one hand grasped my hair tightly, not allowing to move much as he moved himself into and out of my mouth. i felt as though i was going to choke. It felt disgusting in my mouth. i want to vomit. it was pulsing. and seemed as if it was getting bigger. Lyerick began to move faster. his hand falling away from my hair as he rammed into my mouth mercilessly. my head slammed against the headboard with each thrust. My mind went fuzzy and i could not keep my thoughts straight. his hand reached up to either side of my face pulling my closer, tighter, trying to shove even more of himself down my throat. i cant breath. i could feel myself, start to choke on him. then he stopped. he pulled himself out of my mouth, and looked down at my tiny child member. it was half hardened. from what i could not say. "oh! i see." you said glancing back at me. "you like it rough, you little monster." his voice remained cold and even. as though he was unaffected by what had just transpired. his own member looked bigger than at the start. and an angry red color. He moved and grabbed one of the thin sheets and tied it around my knees keeping the high, and tied backup to the rope around the headboard. i felt my ass raise slightly off of the bed, from the action, and i felt fear pulse through me. He moved his body and hovered in between my knees. I felt something poke my butt, but whatever it was it was only there for a moment. At least, thats what i had hoped for. It came back with a vengeance, ramming into my body with searing pain the likes of which i had never felt to before. i started to cry. Tears blurred my vision as he rammed himself into my tied up body. My toes curled as my body tried to find way to endure the pain. My back arched upwards slightly as i let out a sobbing scream. The sound echo around the room and bounced off of the walls as he pounded relentlessly into my tiny body. It felt as though something was being shoved up into me, trying to rip me in half. The force of the thrust the Lyerick produced, shoved my body backwards, as the sheets the tied up my knees rubbed and formed blisters, my wrists, were in no better condition. i screamed and scream, but he paid me no heed.

"PLEASE! PLEASE STOP!! IT HURTS! PLEASE!" i scream out at the top of my lungs, begging for him to hear me. Begging for him to stop. He hit something in my body that made me jolt upwards. Saliva seemed to leak out of my mouth as i slipped from control of my body. I was helpless and Was being fucked senselessly by a man twice my size and three times my age. My throat went dry, i could hardly scream. or cry out for him to stop. My body, jerked, as i felt some spew from me and i became rubber. Lyerick thrusted one more, shuddered and warmth shot forward into my body, then the foreign object which he had shoved up into my body, was removed. My breath was erratic as i tried desperately to catch my breath. He stood up and grabbed his clothes and stood tall. He spared no second glance at me as he turned and left. Up the stair and out the door. Leaving me tied up and broken. Dried saliva on the side of my mouth, i could feel blood and something sticky leech onto the bed. Purple spots from his grip on me laced around hips. Welts forming under the ropes on my wrists and the bedsheets use to tie my feet. My head was pounding from him shoving his cock into my mouth and back into the headboard. my muscles were tired. i felt as though i was dying. so i did the next best thing. i closed my eyes and fell asleep. Sleep. the closest thing, to death.


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