Chapter 9 - Fuck This Shit

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"Rei. Rei Uzumaki." He said. I nodded to him an turned to leave. Rei...Rei....where had i heard that name before? I went back towards Tsunaide with the information i now had. With any luck, this might just help us get this problem fixed.

(Back naru-chan p.o.v!)
"Rei is coming." I said to myself. My voice seemed loud to in the empty apartment. My breathing started to come out quickly. Short shallow fast breaths made their way from my mouth to free air. My stomach churned. I felt as though was going to be sick. I made run for the bathroom and kneeled down in front of the toilet in time for my gut to contract and say 'fuck this shit we don't want it.' It come up . Well, what little i had in me at the moment. I vomited one after the other. Until i kneeled there my stomach was empty. I didn't have anything left to throw up. The bathroom floor felt cold to the touch. It felt good against my skin. Outside my small little bathroom the lights we are all off. And shadows taunted me along rims of my window. Gasping for air as if i had just been held underwater for awhile, i put my head between my knees. My mind flashed and image of Rei. I felt my stomach heave. I moved quickly and lunged for the toliet. I held myself over it, and though my body desperately tried to get something out. Nothing came. Still my body heaved. All that came out was salvia which was still too much. I think this called dry heaving. But it doesn't really matter what its called. All i know is that to stop dry heave you should 1 or 2 crackers. I kneeled over the toilet for a moment, before pushing myself up. My knees felt shaky. I could barely stand. I took a step forward and nearly fell flat on my face. My hand flashed out and gripped the counter top steading myself. Slowly i made my way to the kitchen. I struggled, and grasped a box of crackers and shoved one in my mouth. I slid a pair of pants, Then grabbing the trashcan i and keeping the crackers with me, i went over to my bed. I crawled on it and i felt my body being dragged down, as if i were wearing weights. My vision seemed to blur and then. It all went dark.

Shikamaru p.o.v-
Ah. How troublesome. I thought and sighed. Rei Uzumaki, huh. I looked up at the clouds. Just drifting along the sky. I sighed and let my gaze be dragged back down to earth as I shuffled my way along the street to Tsunaide. While i walked my head bounces around with the thoughts of Naruto's face. To most people he would have looked any different. However. There was a tightening of his face. The way his hand clenched up. His face went pale. And. I think his breath started to speed up. Whoever this Rei woman is. One thing if for certain she will bring nothing but trouble. Naruto is a strong ninja. He is just about as fearless, or well, brainless as they come. So for him to react like that. My mind shifted over to the day he screamed out in the training field. I haven't ever heard him scream like that. Perhaps. The two, that is, perhaps, naruto's nightmare, and Rei Uzumaki are connected. I stopped and frowned if thats the case we have a serious problem. Any person who can scare Naruto that much, is not welcome in Konoha. The more i thought about the more convinced i became. I sighed again. Better go tell the hokage. Damn. I was hoping for a nap too, i thought looking back up at the sky.

(A/N - ahh! This story is turning out to be so long~~ i hope I'm not boring you all. -_- anyway thoughts and and stuff in comments please. So. I have 2 SasuNaru Votes. 2 GaaNaru Vote and 1 KakaNaru votes. And no one wants him loveless. Oh, and comment limit for the next chapter is 8.)

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