Chapter 38 - Entrusting Naruto

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"Where are we now?" The second hokage asked.

"Naruto's birth." Minato replied his face softening.


I gazed at a red haired woman, who's personality seemed oddly familiar. She waved goodbye to woman with raven hair, who held a baby and a little boy next to her. Itachi? My mind echoed as i gazed at the little boy standing next to the woman.

"How is it, we can see this. When Naruto has not been born yet?" Second asked quietly.

"Kurama." I replied briefly. And so as the memory swept forward, i stood next to Minato, and i watched him die. It was odd. None of us spoke as Minato died in the memory before us. Instead allowing the memories to flow forward at their own pace. I blinked as the Third hokage stepped forward and held Naruto in his arms, walking towards the village.

The memory cracked and shifted to reveal the Hokage office. The third was there, seated in his chair. Naruto crying in the arms of a woman. He looked like he was only a few weeks old. And the third looked worn and tired.

"Rei. I am entrusting Naruto's care to you. The village is rejecting him. If he stays here, it will only turn him on the wrong path." He said as he looked out the window. "He turned back to face Rei. She looked. Younger. Different. Happier. She stood tall holding Naruto close to her in her arms. "I am asking if you will take him out of the village. Raise him well. And care for him. Will you do this, for Kushina and for Minato?" Rei smiled, and not the forced or sick smile i had seen her wear. But one full of actual emotion. Of real........ Joy.

"Of course, Hokage-Sama. I will treat him as of he were my own." She bowed low, and he sighed.

"Thank you. You may leave as soon as you are ready." Rei bowed once more, before her cloak swished as she left in a blur. The scene shift to follow her, and we found ourselves, in a small apartment at the edge of the village. She lay Naruto on her bed and place pillows all around him, so that he wouldn't wiggle around to much and she gathered her things into bags before she placed them into a summon scroll. She smiled again as she glanced back at Naruto. She took her forhead protecter and tied hit around her waist, which lay hidden under the folds of her cloak. Then she wrapped a cloth around her and placed Naruto into the makeshift sling, which she held close to her, ensuring its safety. Making her way towards the village gate she was stopped by two village guards. A old man. And a bitter looking woman.

"Halt. Permission to leave?" The woman grated out. Rei nodded and rummaged in her long cloak pulling out a scroll.

"Here. This is from the Third and should suffice as, permission." The read the note and there faces contorted. The woman shoved the scroll back towards Rei.

"Take that fowl creature away. And don't come back." Rei said nothing, instead turning towards the exit and left Konoha. Not even looking back. My brain was puzzled as this memory faded away. Rei. She was being, kind? But why. She hates Naruto more than anything. But, yet, this memory says none of that. Even when she was alone, she took care to ensure Naruto was Safe and cared for.



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