Chapter 7 - A little Memory

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"Tsunaide has work, and Iruka and I have something we have to do as well. I guess you try to convince Sakura and Sasuke." Kakashi said. But a quick look revealed the fact the sasuke had went and left, and sakura was busy 'helping' Tsunaide with her work. "Well, anyway, bye-bye shikamaru!" Kakashi said grabbing my wrist and poofing us to his house.

Now- (Naruto p.o.v)
I reached out a hand towards the knob for the water, and shut it off. The soothing, rhythmic pounding of the water ceased and i stood in my small shower as water dripped down my body. Slowly, as if i was moving through thick syrup i slid the shower door open and stepped out, grabbing my towel. The water formed a small puddle at me feet when i stepped out, but i didn't really care. I dragged the towel across my skin, forcing it to absorb any moisture. I rubbed the towel harshly across my face leaving it feeling tight and slightly red in the cheeks. I wrapped it around my hips loosely, after i dried my hair a bit. Though my hair was still damp and slightly messy. I stepped over and stood in front of my sink and mirror. I put some moisturizer on my face quickly, it helped ease the dry tight cracky feeling after washing my face. Whether i washed it in the shower, or not. I turned and walked out of the bathroom leaving the door open. I reached my arms out and above my head, stretching.

"Haa! That felt so good!" I felt the towel slip a little and as i opened the fridge door i glance down to see a touch of blonde hair at the brim if the towel. I shrugged it off. No ones come over so why should it matter. It was dark put outside anyway. I pulled out the milk and grabbed an empty glass from the cabinet. I poured the last bit into the clear crystal before tossing the now empty jug into the trash can. I turned the door falling shut as i no longer stood holding the door open. I plopped down in a chair at my small table and took a swig of milk from the glass before plain it back on the table. The milk swished around inside the glass at the movement. I sighed and leaned down on the table. It has been a while since i last broke down like that. Whens the last time? I cant hardly remember. I struggled a bit more and was granted success. A blurred and distorted image was brought to my mind.

I was young. This was after i got out. This was after i got IN Konoha. I saw it play out inside my head as if it was some sort of movie. I was standing there surrounded by other kids. Pretty much all of them boys. They were smirking, then some more boys arrived, coming through the shadows. But these boys were older. These boys had already passed the genin tests.

"Your gunna get it now! My big brother is right here!" One of the boys around me said. The others laughed and said similar things. The biggest of the genin stepped forward, cracking his knuckles, he looked at me. Then he dropped down and swung his leg towards be, knocking my feet from under me. I felt my head knock harshly against a rock on the ground. Something in me seemed to shatter. I felt a weird kinda of shiver and jolted up wards slightly, my mouth Stretches open gasping for air that suddenly seemed as if it had all beed poofed away. My hand jerked up wards and into the closest boys head. He splattered some blood onto me as he fell. Like some sort of dye, the color of his blood, was sucked and absorbed into every hair fiber on my head. It was like the slow movement of paint when you spill it, in how it spread throughout my hair. Soaking it, warping it, until my hair was not something i recognized. My eyes were not much better. The blackness of my pupil spilled over oozing and spluttering its filthy dark way across my eye. Filling it, until it too was completely dark. My canines extended slightly, but the sharpness was quite a bit. I had ran over them with my tongue, ad cut myself on accident. The taste of iron, rust and stickiness, filled my mouth. I didn't seem to care. Instead i turned my attention to other things like the people standing in front of me who wanted nothing more than to kill me. I struck first. I swung my fist back, and then slammed it forward in another boys face. I let out a quiet controlled breath. My black soulless eyes seemed as if they were looking for the next opponent, then with a jerk i had moved. I watched my memory unfold as if i didn't know what was going to happen next. Which is kinda of true. My memory always cuts off around here. I watched myself breath slowly once more before swinging my foot down close to the ground knocking anyone near me to the ground. Then like some sort of technology failure, my memory crashed. It seemed to sizzle and flash at the edges, and with a faint 'plink' blurred out into utter and complete darkness.

I blinked my eyes refocusing on the glass of milk on my table, my body let out the tiniest of shivers. That was the last time. But it was not the first time.

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