Chapter 28 - Otura

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My eyes widened as light hit his face. It couldn't be!


my eyes slid across the forms of the people who had tried to harm my mistress. A girl with pink hair and chain, a boy with raven hair and a glare, and boy with red hair, and pale green eyes. I flicked my gaze back to those whom she had wished to speak to. They set her up. My eyes narrowed, and beside me, i could feel my mistress smirk. My face held nothing. I had no desire to smirk or laugh or get angry. There was no reason to feel such things openly. They only served to get in the way. My focus was trained on getting my mistress out of here.

"Naruto? Is that- is that you?!" I heard annoying voice say. She really needs to get quieter when she is talking to a teammate. And cant you recognize a team mate when you see them? I kept my gaze focused on the previous hokage's of Konoha. "Naruto!! Look at me!" I felt irritated at her loud voice. And towards her teammate. Wish the pink girl would shut her annoying mouth. Naruto. What a ridiculous name.

"Otura. I believe she is speaking to you." Mistress spoken softly to me. Me? I turned my gaze to the pink hair kunoichi.

"Naruto!" She said smiling. "Thank god you safe. I was so worried about you. We all were." She slid her eyes over to mistress. "Naruto. Come here. The rest of us are nearby, we can cover you. Come on. Lets go!" The pink haired looked at me, and rei. I frowned slightly.

"I'm afraid you have me mixed up with someone else. My name, is not Naruto. My name is, Otura." I said this stiffly, not dropping my guard. I could feel surprise leak out of the people there. Along with unease. And fear, and worry, and someone, though i couldn't place where, i felt, rejection. Rejection from what? I could not be sure, but my gut told me it was from the red head. But i avoided looking at the red head. For some strange reason everything i looked over at the the red head i felt a strange prick where my heart should be. And i felt as though i had known him from some where.

"Yes. Please refrain from calling my Otura, strange things. I disapprove of such things like that. Now, if you will excuse us. Otura and I must take our leave. Since the thing we require wont be retrieved easily, i suppose we will just have to retrieve them another time." She turned away towards the hideout. "Come. Otura. Lets go." She jumped away. I stayed behind only for a moment to ensure that she had a head start before the people all started to chase after us. This way i knew even if i got caught. She would escape. After i followed after her, we did have a few ninjas chase after us. Each of them confusing me with some ninja called Naruto. I really wish they would not call me that. It makes me feel....strange. But we lost them eventually in the forest. We made a few random loops and back tracked carefully along some paths, to make sure they weren't following us before we went back to out hideout. I sighed as i stepped through the protective barrier. My mistress stepped through and continued walking until she reached her room, where she shut the door behind her. My feet carried me to my room. Glad that it was not in the direction of hers. The only time i go towards her room. Is when she gets frustrated or bored. And as her toy, its my job to keep her happy. Entertained. And safe. My jobs was to look after her, and ensure she had everything she needed or want. I began to take off the light armor i had been wearing. Just then, i bird hopped in and held out a message from mistress. I stopped and took it, unrolling it quickly and scanning. I tossed a nut towards the bird who started nibbling at it happily as i quickly strode towards my mistress's bedroom.

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