Chapter 35

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the flower near my heart. It seemed to pulse. I closed my eyes. Naruto. I will bring you back.

I promise.


I stood looking down at a woman's corpse. I felt the urge to laugh. Her limbs were artfully arranged by me, blood the spilled out her body i used as paint. Such a glorious feeling. Ah~ such bliss. I heard a squeaking annoying voice. My eyes turned and i saw people standing there. Gazing at me.
I could feel my mouth widen as a grin took hold. My eyes narrowing at the group before me. Oh what fun it shall be to tear them to pieces. Oh how i desire that. My ears could hear their conversation as the yelled and squeaked like baby birds before me.

"Don't be fooled. Naruto has still not returned to us."

"What do you mean?!" I heard to voice faintly speak to one another. Oh yes what ever do you mean.... I felt myself grow bored as their conversation continued. Blah blah blah. Such drab and annoying things. Plans? I fought to roll my eyes. The only plans are good for, is for ruining.

"Well. I suppose its time that we buckle down and wrap this up. I don't want this to go on for much longer." I heard another voice speak and i felt myself agreeing with him. I took a breath before i decided it was time to speak.

I stared up at naruto, he remain still the entire time. Just standing there. Looking.....bored? Suddenly, as Second hokage had spoken. Naruto dragged in a deep breath then spoke.

"Plans. They are only good for ruining. I am not aware of who this naruto fellow may be. But i am sure he is better left in what ever hell hole he is in. And besides. None of you shall ever come to his aid. Do you know why?" He asked us simply. Boredom trickling in through his words. His eyes scanned the weak army we had pulled together.

"Why." Sakura stated. Not even really asking a question. Naruto smile a sick, ugly smile. I want to go up there and scream at him. Which surprised me. Scream was not my forte. Neither was talking really. He tiled his head and ran his hand up and rested it on his face.

"Because. Your dead." With a cackle he jumped forwards towards one of the men beside me, not hesitating as he tore his off with a frighting ease and grace. The light of crescent moon casting shadows upon his face and cloaking him in darkness. I knew what i wished for. Right then. I wished for Naruto. My Naruto to return. Though he had never really been mine. I wished for him to return, to smile and ask for ramen, i wished....i wished for his lips upon my own. I wished that this white flower, that i could feel pulsing near my heart, was not just a flower. I wished, it was his soul. Because if it were. I could return it to him. My mind because to clock. Gears shifting moving understanding. Of course! His soul he gave to me to keep. To Protect. And. To return. But. Could i? I wasn't sure.... My hands flew to up to protect the others with my sand as Naruto charged forward. Screams echo once more off of the uzumaki clan ruins. And a stay though crossed my mind. What had caused such damage as to erase the strong clan. Every uzumaki i had know had been strong, undeniable so. Though they tended to me hot headed, and sometimes reckless. But strong. A rival even to the uchiha clan. If i recall the stories and legends correctly. A scream drew my attention away from my stupid thoughts. I cursed my self. I am in the middle of a battle to save my love and i cant stop thinking about ancient ruins. My sand tumbled over and washed men fro the spots in death grips with Naruto clones, which proofed into oblivion as my sand smacked into them. I took a deep breath and turned my mind back to the situation at hand. Naruto was grinning as he flipped upwards and launched himself at members of our army.

I grinned at the tired faces of men and women. Their chakra drained, and the expression of terror and fear consuming them. Oh how i loved it. I flipped myself over my new target and grabbed him from behind. I smirked and my hand delved deep into his back, yanking something out. What it was i don't know. Thats why i pulled it out. Curiosity. I glanced at the object in my hands covered in bloody and skin tissue clinging towards it. The man crumpled with a gurgle. Spine. I pulled out the ninjas spine. Hm. Interesting. Just then i felt wood wrap itself around my body, trying to trap my hand in disgusting forceful way. Something deep inside of me stirred. Fear shot through me. I quickly busted out of the wood be trap. My mind puzzled over the feeling that had blazed through my body. Afraid. I had been afraid. Afraid of what? I asked my self. Then another thought followed. Did i want to know? A kunai flew next to my ear and i spin recognizing the Jutsu of the fourth hokage. My brow furrowed. How did i know this? I ducked as he swung his leg high, where my body might have been. My hand flashed. Grasping his ankle and pulling him downwards. I felt something lodge in my back and i quickly pulled away from the blonde male i flicked my own Kunai back trying to dislodge what ever was there. But it didn't move.

I watched as the fourth hokage and naruto engaged in close quarters combat. Kicks, punches, blocks and dodges. The second hokage drew my attention as he launched something at Naruto's back. It pierced his skin. Naruto quickly jumped away from Minato, and moved to dislodge the harsh metallic chain which drove it way deep into his back, but to no avail. The chain tightened up and naruto threw his head back releasing a feral sort of yell. He moved, struggling against the chain, which started to split and formed a thick collar that wrapped around Naruto's neck. He scream. Low, deep and rumbling. Not a human scream. Minato stepped forward to knock him out, but Naruto even as hindered as he was, was no easy to knock out. He thrashed violently, and the first Hokage resorted to using his wood jutsu to aid in restraining Naruto. Even shikamaru tried using his shadows to help contain Naruto. But still, he continued to fight. He yelled and scream and frustration, low and trapped. An animal's yell. Sakura stepped forward tightening the glove on her hand. She stepped forward and landed a punch on the side of his face. Blood trickled down the side, and the force knocked him side ways, but he sat back up. Straining. Screaming against the chains. Finally Hashirama stepped forward. His hands forming seals l did not recognize. Narutos body seized and his mouth fell open in a silent scream before he slowly collapsed, falling forwards on the ground. As he fell i could see a single tear trickling down from his wide eyes, falling to the ground like single lonely diamond.

"Naruto." I spoke to low for any ear to hear. "Why do you cry?"

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