Chapter 26 - For Some Reason

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he gently set the now bloody colored rose in my hand.


My eyes flashed open and jerked up. Bath water swirled around me. I felt loss ripple through the water. And i leaned back against the tub. That when i felt something. Strange. In my hand. Something was in my hand. I lift my hand still clutching the unknown object out of the water. My pale green eyes widened as my heart about froze at the sight of it.

There. In my hand.
Was a blood red flower.

The same flower. Naruto pressed into my hand. I winced slightly as i felt something seem to ooze out of my entrance. I reached back lightly touched it. Sticky and warm. I pulled my hand back around and examined it.

White fluid.

My breath caught. What the hell?! My hands gripped the side of the tub as my heart pounded in my ears. A dream. It was a dream. But. Then how? If it wasn't a dream..... I felt a single tear trickle down my face. Naruto,
he said he wanted to be with me. He needs me. I felt a warm rush run through my system. I glanced at the rosy red flower. I brought it to my chest. Tears coming out.

I hadn't replied.

I hadn't said how much i loved him. What does he mean he doesn't think he will survive? He has to survive! He has to! I need him. He cant leave me here. I wont let him. Small tears fell onto the rose. Washing the red away. I looked up. And wiped my tears away. I put the flower near the tub as i finished up cleaning myself. Well mostly just getting rid of the white fluid Naruto left behind. As much i loved Naruto, trying to keep this would only leave a mess. And this isn't even my home. I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my waist before i drained the water. I picked the flower back up. And took it into the room they left me to stay in. I grabbed a thin vase and poured water into it before gently setting the flower inside of it. I turned and walked away. I started to lay down when i say the flower. Brown was creepy steady up the petals. What the hell? Flowers don't die that quickly. I rushed up to it only to have the brown retreat as got closer. I frowned. And i went back to bed. Only for it to happen again. i sighed as i stared down at the flower.

"I see. So you don't want me to leave you behind do you?" I gently grasped the vase and set it down on the table next to the bed. "There. Now you can stay near me." My eyes slid shut as i gazed at the little flower.

Such a strange flower. Then again. Naruto is a strange boy. Figures he would give me something strange to look after. But. I thought to myself yawning. The flower reminds me of him.

For some reason.

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