Chapter 25 - bloody colored rose in my hand

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everyone turned to look at the pink haired kunochi.

"Well." I started. "Thats a long story."


the previous for hokage's had been informed of the situation at hand. And minato was............... unhappy. I dont think he, as Naruto's father wanted to hear anything about Naruto's head begin fucked up, or anything about Naruto going haywire. But hey. As a parent you gotta take the good with the bad. As it turns out Rei's clone had summoned them because she wanted information on the seals that had been used on the bijuu before the current jinchuriki's, she also wanted to get cell tissue from the fourth hokage and the first hokage. The third hokage was summoned as a test run to see how things worked. Hehe. Bet that hurt his pride a bit. Oh well. I hadn't had much of a chance to work with Minato during the fight with Madara. Or any of the other hokages as well.

"Sakura. Did you fetch the scrolls i sent you for?" I nodded.

"Yes Tsunaide-sama." I dropped my arm full of scrolls onto the large table. They scattered and rolled around. Everyone reached out and grabbed one. Stopping them from moving. "I went through all of the archive we had and pulled everything on bijuu jinchuriki, brain and on the influences of jutsu and chakra." I sighed. It had been a bit of a pain to do that. But for Naruto it was worth it.

I dont know how long we sat there at that table going through the scroll. Racking our brains for anyway to save Naruto from Rei. But, tsunaide stood an look at our tired faces.

"Everyone. Go get some rest." She said look at us.

"We can keep going!" I said loudly my eyes widen and i tried to stand but for some reason my body swayed underneath me. What the hell?

"No. We should get our rest. We can resume to tomorrow." The blonde and young male said. "As much as i want to find my son. We wont be able to do anything at this rate." I sighed and nodded at his words. And turned an yawned and made my way home.

I watched as the fourth Hokage had spoken to sakura. Then she turned and left. My pale green eyes flickered back to the fair haired male. His eyes were the same shade as Naruto, his hair to. Although, narutos was slightly darker. Slightly more orange.

"Gaara. You may rest in one of the spares rooms. shizune . Will you show him to one of them?" Shizune nodded at Tsunaide and she stood up to lead me o one o the spare rooms here. They were made for diplomats and the like. So its no surprise they have rooms here. She lead me through the halls and turned opening and door for me.

"Here you are Kazekage-sama. I shall come back in the morning for you. And gaara? Even you cant sleep. Rest as much as you can. Naruto will need you at top strength." She said the lost part softly a strange a twinkle in her eyes before she shut the door.
Naruto doesn't need me. He never has. It has always been me you need him. I was always the one who wanted to be near him. Who wanted to touch him. To hold him. I walked over to the other door in the room which opened up to a small but still nice bathroom. My eyes trailed over to the bathtub. A bath sounds nice. I stepped over turned the knobs for hot water. It roared out. Thundering into the tub. I lifted the sash the held my gourd on my back and set it down leaning against the wall. Then Followed my clothes. I lift my shirt up and over my head, my wire mesh shirt slid across my skin and over my head falling heap with my shirt. My long pales fingers untied my sash that held my pants up and my dark pants fell down. I stepped out of my pants and then dragged my boxes down my legs. I took a breath and ran my hands through my red hair. The tub was filled so i shut the water off and step into the tub and fell back into the water. The blazing hot water loosened my muscles. I shut my eyes and felt myself fall asleep.

I blinked my eyes open and flickered my gaze around and saw glass under my feet mirroring the the sky which hung above me. Lovely. I felt arms warp around my middle and suddenly i was aware of what i was wearing. Which was in fact. Nothing. Yep. Gaara of the sand completely nude. I turned to see naruto there. Nude as well. Naruto......

"It hurts gaara. It hurts." Naruto said wrapping himself around gaara.

"What hurts Naruto?"

"Everything. My head. My heart. I feel as though i am being torn to sherds. Gaara. Please don't forget me."

"I wont naruto. I could never forget you."

"Hey gaara. I alway meant to tell you but. I don't think i can anymore. So. Can i ask you something?" I nodded. Naruto leaned in and kissed me. My heart jumped as naruto kissed me. I pulled back.

"Naruto?!" I said loudly. He looked at me, he face flushed, pain showing in his face and he clutched me. A single tear dripping down.

"Gaara. I cant. Im slipping. So, please! Please!" He screamed out. His body pressed against mine, i could feel his body shudder and tremble. I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded. I felt his hands trace my body. I shivered. Naruto. I could feel him hovering over top of me. His hands on my form, his mouth trailing sweet kisses down my back. His hand slipping into my entrance. Fingers stretching me. I grunted and flexed my muscles. I could hear him above me. His breath was warm against my neck. I shuddered and nearly yelled when i felt him enter me.

"Naruto!" I yelled out. I could feel him inside me. Moving. It hurt. But at the same time. It felt wonderful. Naruto moving inside me. Naruto touching me. I felt my heart break. A dream. This could be nothing else. A tear trickled down my cheek as Naruto and i came. I turned my body to Naruto, my hands reached out and pulled him near. "Naruto. Please. Even if this is a dream, i don't want to wake up." Naruto's hand ran through my hair.

"But you have to. I need you. Please Gaara. Don't forget me. Remember me as vivid. As i was." I held him close. "I never told you what i saw. Did i?" I shook my head. He sighed. "Up on the stars. I saw memories. Of things i thought i had forgotten. Of things i wish i did forget." Naruto reached down and pulled a white flower from the rippling glass. Twirling it in his hands he continued. "I saw my memories. And i saw my world burning. Everything i had, everything i have, and everything i want to have. Spread out before me. And i saw how i was going to lose it." Naruto turned to me, the flower in his hands slowly turned and bloody red. "Thats why gaara. I wanted to be with you. I was scared to tell you before but I'm not anymore. I dont know. if i will survive. So gaara. Hurry up okay? I need you. So hurry up and come save me okay?" Naruto leaned forward and kiss me, then he gently set the now bloody colored rose in my hand.


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