Chapter 14 - people from konoha are messed up

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"Yeah. But. Gaara might be able to do it they do have a strange bond."

"Yes. Indeed they do." Tsunaide said agreeing.
I sat in my chair going through notes on the latest meeting. I sighed. The meeting wasn't very productive. The goddamned elders with their constant bickering about power and old rivalries that have absolutely nothing to do with present matters. I mean who cares about a stupid joke that happened 37 years ago?! They just slow down progress. Cant wait till they die. Maybe them i can get some productive people on the board. People that actually want to get things down. I set the paper down on my desk and rubbed my temple. I can go over these later. For now I had best get started and that dispute between some stupid border shops. Wouldn't have been such a important thing, except the shops in dispute, only one of them is even in Suna which means i have mess with ambassadors and delayed responses from other countries. I moved the paper into stack on my left and grabbed a folder on my right. I looked aroun an flipped through the pages and pulling out the pages i needed. I held the paper up and my eyes scanned the page absorbing the black shapes called letters. The door clanked and i glanced up.

"Kazekage-sama. The Konoha ambassador has arrived." A ninja stated standing alert. I frown and set the paper down before shuffling through some more papers. The konoha ambassador... I don't remember discussing this with the hokage. Just then another ninja came in baring a letter signed by the hokage. I sighed internally. Well, at least i dont have look for the information anymore. I held out my hand silently. And flipped it open reading it quickly before looking at the first ninja.

"Let the ambassador in. He is a dear friend of mine." The ninja saluted before leaving to do as i asked. I dismissed the ninja that had brought me the letter and used the minutes i had to contemplate the words. I picked up the letter again read it once more.
I am aware that we had made no plans of the arrangement and i pray that this reaches you before the thickheaded blonde does. Anyway. I suppose i need to explain the situation. About three months back, a woman who claims to be Naruto's adoptive mother shows up. And she has been living with naruto since then since we uncovered evidence and Naruto did not deny the fact, so she is indeed speaking truthfully. But anyway. Since her arrival, naruto's behavior has changed. Any and all attempts to see what is wrong have been met with failure. I sincerely hope that you can succeed where we have failed. I told him he was being sent as an ambassador. So, it should also give him rest time. He has been pushing himself to hard again. Oh, and don't forget to send me more information over the document regarding inter village marriages. You know as well as i the shikamaru and temari are so an item. Better set it up before they ask.

Tsunaide the fifth hokage.

P.S- Don't forget to lay off the make up panda boy!

I shook my head at the last line. A swear all the strong people from konoha are messed up in some way shape or form. And like the world wanted to prove my point and blonde streak burst through crashed into me knocking me over.

"Hi gaara!"

"Naruto." I said to mass of blonde of hair. "Will you Get off."

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