Chapter 27 - It Couldn't Be

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I thought to myself yawning. The flower reminds me of him.

For some reason.


I kept the flower near me. At all times. It was tucked safely away from the eyes of others under my sand and close to my heart. Warmth safety and love. Thats what the flower has. I blinked as i pulled myself out of my thoughts and back on the plan. Since Rei had wanted something from the previous hokages. Its only right that she should still want something from them. So we laid out the plan using them as bait, to lure Rei into our hands.

"Alright. Does everyone understand?" Shikamaru asked everyone. I nodded. It was so complex it was simple. As expected of Konohas genius. I pondered over him or a brief moment. Its a good thing we are allies. I would hate to have him as my opponent. "Okay. Everyone to their positions." Shikamaru said, before he lept away. Everyone went did as they were instructed, and just as Shikamaru had planned. She came right into our hands. Everyone tensed, waiting for the signal. My eyes stared unblinking at her form. My sand silently tumbling over itself in excitement. Ready and waiting for its chance to rid her of her blood.

"Hmm? So, you decided to provide me with what i asked?" Rei said standing far back. Her chin held high as she stared unblinking at the former hokage's.

"Yes." The fluffy haired second hokage answered. Short and to the point.

"Why?" The woman asked, her eyes holding no trust.

"To help rebuild the uzumaki clan of course. Why else would you want them?" Narutos father said, stepping forward towards Rei. "Unless.....there is another purpose for wanting these things?...." He asked, giving her the option to come clean, and end this all before it became impossible.


"I see. Well then, i appreciate the fact you are being honest with us. Here." The blonde Hokage said, holding out a red flower. "Its a present for your, honesty. Let it show what you have earned." He face turned grim as he said the words to start the operation. My sand launch forward, wrapping around her feet, keeping her to the ground, Sasuke slid up and cut her arm to ensure that she wasn't a clone as Sakura dove at her with chains to lock her up, the first Hokage used his wood Jutsu and help keep her secured as she started to weasel out of my sand. Just as Sakura was about to lock the chains around Rei, something dove down from above and pulled her away from the wood and the sand. Whatever it was, it had Rei pulled close and rolled with her before shoving up smoothly to its feet. Shadows surrounded the figure and Rei smirked. The person, set Rei down on the ground allowing her to stand. I heard Sakura gasp, and Sasuke grunted his eyes narrowed by my said. My eyes widened as light hit his face. It couldn't be!

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