Chapter 30 - found

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" Stop it." I whispered out. Make it stop." Tears ran down my face.
"It hurts gaara!" i whisper softly to myself. Then my head seemed like had bust open. My hands flew to my head and i clutched it tightly. Then it was gone. I looked down at the water and blinked.

What. Was i just saying?


I stood with my arms crossed. Everyone was grim and silent. Something was wrong. Dreadfully wrong. There was no words of rescue. No words of planning. Only silence. Everyone was deep in though over what had happened. The plan was a failure. We had not considered Naruto as being an opposing force. Naruto. I closed my eyes. As my mind replayed the scene again in my mind.

-last night-

I was near Sakura and Sasuke. My job to seal Rei had failed due to some one bursting into my way. My eyes trailed over the form of the person who interrupted and my heart she go mad. There. Standing before me. Was naruto. The world seemed to slow. A strange ringing was heard in my ears.

"Naruto, is that you?" Sakura asked him. She was in denial. I to wanted it not to be him. But it was. His golden hair was dark. Black seeped into it. He face held no joy or love. It was empty. Void. Lifeless. He stood next to Rei. And looked down at us. My gut tightened. . My thoughts were not in a Flurry. they were in a god damned snow storm. I didnt pay attention to the words being spoken. Until, naruto spoke.

"I'm afraid you have me mixed up with someone else. My name, is not Naruto. My name is, Otura."

I sighed as my mind began to reply the scene. Again. Over and over. I couldn't stop thinking. It was quiet infuriating. The silence in the room was not helping. My eyes flicked over to shikamaru.

"He did not seem himself." I said quietly. The comment directed towards him. Everyone turned to look at me. And then towards the Konoha genius.

"Yeah..... He didn't even register that we called him naruto." Kiba said slowly.

"He didn't recognize the name as his own. So what? It has nothing to do with the fact the Naruto just joined a freak who wants to destroy konoha and mostly likely every other hidden village as well." The Raikage said swiftly. His voice bellowing as he said the words.

"No. Thats wrong." Shikamaru said.

"What do you mean?" Sakura ask shikamaru.

"That statement. Its wrong. The fact he didn't recognize the name had everything to do with the fact he has changed."

"Oi. Tell us straightly. Your speaking in riddles." Sasuke said bluntly leaning forward.

"Most everyone here is thinking about the fact Naruto changed. But they are not thinking about why. Or how." Shikamaru said. "I personally i have been spending the time trying to figure out how in the world we are going to rid of the limits she placed in his head."

"Shikamaru....." Tsunaide said glaring at him. The previous hokages had turned to boy in interest. Curious as to his thoughts on the matter.

"Well. You all do remember the matter of the retrieval mission correct? How i said that Naruto's brain was messed with?" Everyone looked around nervously. They had forgotten. I hadn't. but. I still had not expected this to occur. Still had not expected him to change so drastically. "Well. This is nothing more than another phase of that. She is playing with him. Thats all there is to it. We simply need to focus less on the fact the he doesn't remember us. And more on the fact that we can use that to our advantage." Shikamaru's eyes darkened. "As long as rei isnt around, we can play to." Just then a low level ninja burst through the door.

"We found Rei's hideout."

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