Chapter 1- Early To Bed and Early to Rise

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"It's a nice morning in the village today." I said to myself trying to wake up. The sun shone through my window strong and warm, flooding the tiny room which i labeled my bedroom, with light. I slowly blinked away sleep and sat up. My eyes wanderingly glanced upon my alarm clock, which rested on an old worm table next to my bed. My mind blanked as i stared at the the little happy digits.
12:00pm smiled at me in a bright red color. I sighed. Sakura is going to be pissed. I flinched, my mind producing a realistic vision of what is going to happen when she see me. 3 hours. Thats how late i am. Three hours late. I don't think even kakashi is that late. Damn. My mind resumed is normal activities, is a rushed sort of frenzy. I popped in a pack of ramen and then made for the bathroom while it was still cooking, jumping in to my shower, i did a quick and speedy scrub and rinse. I jumped out of the shower and grabber my towel, wrapping it around my waist as i went to the kitchen. I took the ramen out and let it sit, then yanked my pants on, followed my by shoes. A quick glance told me it was ready to eat. I shoveled it into my mouth, regretting the fact i was unable to go slower to savor the wonderful bits of heaven. I grabbed my jacket which was hanging on a hook next to the door and lept out. I jumped and ran from rooftop to rooftop, pulling my jacket on as i went. Till finally i landed in the clearing where team 7 typically meets. I looked around to see no one. Sakura wasn't here, kakashi was here, and there wasn't any sign of the teme either. I familiar pang sliced through my heart, as i saw, that they had left me behind. The wind whistled through the trees, knocking leaves from the tree and they landed upon the unwelcoming ground. My usual happy face fell, my eyes looked down where the leaves were. Lying there on the ground, dying, and no where near the home they had know. To die in an unknown place. Alone. I shuddered and shifted my eyes away from the leaves, which seemed intent upon dragging old stained and forcibly forgotten memories to the surface. I smashed the down. Not allowing myself to even think of them for a second. Instead, i focused upon my next task. If they aren't here, then where could they be? My eyes glance around the memory filled training clearing. I walked slowly around, looking for a sign of some sort, just then something caught my eye. A faint shimmer. I jump over toward it, and saw that a note had been pinned to the tree with a kunai. I plucked the kunai out of the tree and the note fell free. My hand whisked out and latched itself onto the thin paper. I flipped it open and started to read it.

Seeing as how you are late again, i decided that we would go ahead and start the mission. And no, you are not allowed to partake in this mission, because of your recent inability to come on time. Consider this your punishment. We wont return for a few days, so use your time wisely, oh and by the way, be prepared when we get back. Sakura is not happy with you. At all.


The note explained why the weren't here. Disappointment washed over me in waves. Its not like i meant to sleep in really. I didn't mean to, really. I sighed, and decided to some training. That's using my time wisely, right? I shook myself, and took a deep breath before starting.

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