Chapter 20 - Nothing Gold Can Stay

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Oh my god. Naruto, what the hell happened in the hell hole?

Finally. I have. I finally got Naruto! Now things can progress to the next phase. I smirked. Konoha is full of idiots. Didn't even realize that it was a shadow clone they had captured. Oh well. I guess that helps me so what can you do? I hummed happily and i dragged Naruto alone the forest floor. I giggled. With him in my hands the world will crumble. Their great and powerful hero that they all look forward to. Oh how i cant wait to see their faces when they gaze upon their hero and friend an see he is nothing but an empty shell. Nothing. That what this- this thing is. Nothing but a mere IT! He doesn't deserve such adoration. Such love such friends. He deserves only one thing. Pain. Honestly i am being kind even letting him live. Although. I am not sure you can call that kindness. Not really. Because, when i am through he will be begging for death. Begging me, me to kill him. To make his living hell end and free him to the eternal darkness that awaits him as a mere thing when he is dead. There will be no, heaven for him. Nor even hell. What await this little- thing - is worse. Its pure utter complete emptiness. Not a single person. No animal, nor plant. No wind or stars. All that shall await him is darkness. An he shall be. Beautifully, wonderfully corrupted. He shall be m lovely flower. And once he done and wilted away. I shall toss him aside. He will be of no more use to me. No matter how hard he bed and clings to life and light, all lights go out. All flowers wilt. All children grow old and die. All heros fade away into mere legends. An old poem came to my mind then. Nothing overly dramatic. Just a simple poem. But one, that described the world and Naruto perfectly.

Natures first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leafs a flower
But only so an hour
Then, leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.
-Robert Frost.

It was a lovely, yes sad poem. The man who wrote was a strange man. Many believed him mad. He would speak such strange tales of the world, and how one day people people no longer need ninja. An that ninja will become not needed. In place of us shall be guns and strange things known as tanks. Few believed him. I was one of the few. And i need to stop that reality. In any way possible. So like hue of gold in nature,So too Naruto shall you fade away. And with you gone the world with become my dream and ninja shall remain in this world for eternity.

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