chapter 49

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he took a hold of my hand and walked with me forwards even slower than before.


i yawned and followed clear, sleepily. his hand guiding me as we made our way through the trees and around bushes and over fallen branches from previous storms from long ago, which had not yet rotted away. over twisted and knotted roots the threatened to trip me. through it all, clears grip on my hand remained constant. we stumbled around the woods for a while before something caught our ear and we froze. the howling of dogs. clears eyes flashed towards me and my still healing leg, before his eyes moved back towards the sounds of mad barking dogs. tightening his grip, he pulled me into a run.

"do you think that its Rei?" i stuttered and gasped out as clears hand made it awkward to run, my legs not hardly being able to keep up with his own, longer legs.

"cant be," clear replied, breathing heavily. "she never had any dogs." the pain of my leg grew worse as we ran from the barking dogs. but we didn't stop. though, i don't know why. if it wasn't Rei, then why are we running? my tongue longed to have these words roll out of my mouth and fall onto clears ears so that he might ease the burdens of my mind. like he always does. like he always will.

finally after we ran for what seemed like ages, my legs went out, and i tumbled to the ground. clear skidded to a stop and came to stand beside me.

"did we lose them?" i asked him, my breathing erratic as the wounds on my leg had reopened and were once again bleeding.

"yeah, i think so." i sighed at his words, pleased.

"that good." my breathing slowly evened out, and my body relaxed and unwound itself. "i was....worried." clear ran his fingers through my dirty blonde hair and flashed a smile.

"don't be. everything is going to be fine."


"come on, we need to look at your leg." i held out my leg for Clear to examine, and he slowly tilted it so that he could see the wound. it had reopened, and was bleeding onto the thick grass which covered the floor of the woods in a thick carpet. "you opened up again while you were running. hmm. well we should rest for now. we can move later. we should give you time to rest, an not push your body. i don't want you to lose to much blood." i nodded at him, and he plopped down next to me, and began to tell me stories to pass the time. stories about hero's and villains. he told me countless stories. so many that my head seemed to burst with at the wonder and excitement over the fictional characters he wove with his words, and the sun sank low in the sky before giving way to twinkling stars.

"wow!" i siad happily, as clear finished up yet another story. "clear that was amazing! how do you know so many?" he shrugged.

"i just do." clear glance up at the sky and the stars, and gentle closed his eyes before he began to sing my, no. our lullaby.

"yura yura yurameku
nami no ma ni
kira kira kagayaku
koe wa tada yure kanata e to
yume miru KURAGE wa uta utau yo
yasashii umi be de nemuru-"

just then clear broke off, as the sound of crashing branches and familiar yells were heard. our eyes flashed back to each other. eyes wide open we jumped to our feet and bolted. i disregarded the tendrils of pain which laced up my calves. i dont want to go back. i dont want. i want to go back to Rei. the sounds of dogs could be heard, close with the sound of Rei and her husband cursing our names as the crashed and stumbled through the wood. i felt my palms slicken ever so slightly. please no. i dont want to go back, please, anywhere, but there!


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