Chapter 41 - clear

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"W-W-Where a-re we go-ing?" Naruto asked fighting sobs.



Rei packed up the house in silence. Careful to avoid looking at Naruto in the eye. She packed everything, and she slid on a cloak. An slid a cloak on to Naruto.

"Momma. Wh-Why did you slap me..." Naruto ask quietly. Rei paused, thinking over her words before she spoke.

"Momma, doesn't know. But" rei paused making sure to look Naruto in the eyes. "momma, didnt mean to."

"Momma. Why are we going to
Cone no Ha?" Rei laughed lightly as the walked away from the house.

"It called, Konoha." She said she carried their few belonging on her back and holding Naruto's hand.

"Oh~ but. Why are we going?" Naruto asked again, looking up at Rei, with large blue eyes.

"Momma doesn't not feel well. So momma is going to go to Konoha to get better."

"Oh!~" naruto said with understanding filling his face. "Hey hey momma! Whats konoha like?"

"Well...." She said looking up at the clouds which drifted along sky. "It is a place, filled with kind, caring people. The people fight together to protect each other. The people there live by the, Hi No Ishi."

"Hi, no....." Naruto frowned. Rei laughed again.

"Hi No Ishi. The will of fire."

"Whats a, will-o-fire?" Rei smiled and fought a laugh.

"The will of fire, the will the hatred can be over come be love. And that a village is a family. The will of fire, means that the village all fights to protect one
another. And that only through peace can one win war." Naruto looked confused.

"I dont get it...." Rei smiled softly running her hands through his hair.

"You will. One day." Rei stopped and looked up to see another small boy laying on the side of the road. His face was dirty, and was tiny. She hurried over and checked to see if he was breathing. The boys eyes cracked open slightly, his snowy hair falling into his eyes.

"Food...." He moaned. Rei reach behind a grabbed a small piece of bread.

"Eat slowly." She said as she handed it to him. "It to quickly and you'll get sick. The boy gobbled down the bread. But he was still tired. And he fell asleep in her arms.

"Momma. What are we going to do with him?" Naruto asked tilting his head. Rei looked at Naruto and then along the long road that seemed to stretch for miles. And then back towards the way the had come.

"We are going to take him back to the cottage." She said with a sigh.
"But momma, i thought we were going to Cone No ha?"

"We will. Another day."


"How what, dear."

"How would we get there?" Naruto asked bluntly. Rei laughed.

"Walking of course." She looked back towards the direction of Konoha and continued to go back the way they had come. "Follow this old winding road. Through the river, across three small villages, and straight on until morning. Then you will be in Konoha trees."

"The trees are different?" Rei laughed again.

"Only to those who understand."

"Understand what?" Naruto asked. Rei pursed her lips and pondered over the question.

"Pain. And love." She said finally as the white haired boy stirred in her arms.

"Mm? Where are we going?"

"My home. You can stay with us. Until you get strong enough to go home." He blinked sleepily at Naruto, and at Rei. "Whats your name?" She asked him gently.

"Clear. My names, clear."

・*・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・

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