chapter 52 - lyerick

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A grim though passing through my mind. Perhaps if i rest, i wont wake up. i wont hurt anymore.



i blinked my eyes open. another day. or perhaps its another night. i couldn't be sure. just more pain and servitude was all i could be sure of. I stood up and made me way up to make breakfast for Rei and her husband. It was simple, something i had worked hard to get better at so that i wouldn't get punished as much. Rei stormed down the stairs into the kitchen. I shuddered, at the sound a the door slamming. Their relationship had not been the best lately. Rei has no interest in sex right now. Her husband however, does. They tend to disagree about the matter. I am caught in between the two. Her husband followed behind her an sat down at the table to eat. The air was tense, as i hope my cooking was good enough to at least spare me off a beating, even if i couldn't eat. Rei spat out the food angrily.

"you call this food you little piece of shit?!" she stood up ready to slap, when her husband spoke.

"wait Rei. i have an idea." Rei and i turned to look over at him. He wiped his mouth with his napkin and say it back down and turned. to look at us in his chair. Rei growled lowly, and shoved my down to the ground where she tied me up with some of the rope she had placed near the table for the occasion.

"alright. what?" she said as she turned back to look at him.

"its simple. it seems this form of punishment doesn't work on him, so i thought of another more beneficial punishment." Rei perked up at the sound of that.

"what do you have in mind?"

"its simple. you have no desire to share our bed in the way that i desire. So, in return, i will use him as my personal release. This allows a wonderful punishment for him as well." Rei's face showed her consideration over the matter. finally she nodded.

"a wonderful idea my love." she said as she moved closer to him.

"thank you." he said before coming to stand before me. "i think i will simply use the basement."

"oh, not the basement!" Rei exclaimed. "its not suitable for us. there is not even a proper bed down there for you to experience any real pleasure." He paused for a moment.

"i suppose that is true....." he paused thinking. "It." he said looking at me. "i want that basement spotless in one hour. go now." he spoke calmly. he was terrifying in his own right. i dart down to the basement glad that i had managed to get off of the hook. glad i had avoided trouble. I set to work cleaning the basement, my mind turning over the words they had exchanged. My eight year old mind struggled with understanding exactly what it was they were discussing. Something told me it was nothing good, but for now i was just glad i was not getting punished.
I worked hard at cleaning everything up, which i was not exactly upset about being made to clean the basement. Its where i am forced to spend most of my time. i glanced over at the few ratty blankets and the pillow which i called my bed. However it was clean. All of the webs are gone, the window is cleaned up. The floor had been swept and polished up, the laundry machines which cleaned up and pushed further back into the crook around the corner. The emptiness hit me. How bare my prison really was. The door clanked at the top if the wooden stairs which lead down to the basement. Lyerick stood in the door was looking down upon my small form. He made his way down and inspected my job.

"this will do." he said. Rei came down to see if her husband approved. which he did. Nerves seemed act up again as i gazed at them. A dangerous couple.

"we should be able to fit it down here. right dear?" lyerick nodded.

"yes." with that they left to go upstairs before he returned pulling mattress down the stairs and shoved it in the corner under the window. He didn't even bother moving the rags i called bedding. instead simply placed slightly new looking pillow there. my eyes widened. they were, giving me stuff. but why. i quietly started speak.

"um....m-m-mr Lyerick sir. wh-why are you..."i trailed off unable to finish my words under the scrutiny. " Rei smiled her wicked smile an Lyerick merely walked over to me an rested his hand on my shoulder.

"rei. i think this should do for now." she nodded and left. "so." he said looking down at my small form. my head along just barely reaching his belly button. "you wan to know why hmm?" he grinned, something i had never seen him do. I felt sick. "well. why dont we find out...."

(a/n - reis husbands name is lyerick, and its pronounced, lie-rick.)

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