Chapter 23 - bad manners

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"How do we get him back?" Sakura asked me. I sighed again.

"Well. It wont be pleasant."


It had been a solid two weeks since the meeting. Everyone had set to work trying to complete the preparations that Shikamaru had told them to do. Barriers where in places, traps where in place. Bait was set. All that was left was to get the civilians out of Konoha for the time being. I sighed and wiped the sweat of my brow. I stood up and radioed in.

"This is Sakura. Preparations are complete in my side."

"Good." Shikamaru replied to me. Just then a huge explosion sounded. My head twisted and craned to see the great cloud of smoke fumble into itself.

"What the hell?!" Came kiba rough and loud voice. "What is that?!"

"This is Sakura reporting. The explosion is near. I am heading in to investigate." I spoke quickly already jumping towards the explosion.

"Understood." Shikamaru said, "Sai, Sasuke. Head over there as well. Back her up if she needs it" i jumped up i to the leaves of a large oak and peered through the thick branches down. The smoke was heavy, but my well trained eyes made out the situation to me. There was four figures standing there. I i gasped as my eyes zeroed on the seemingly familiar figures. I was able to make out long brown hair on two figures. And on one....brilliant blonde hair. My heart leaped, Naruto! I jumped out of the tree and dashed towards the blonde haired figure.

"NARUTO!" I shouted out grabbing the figure and quickly hog tying him up. Then i flipped around and faced the figure who was standing directly across Naruto. My eyes widened and bit lip. My hands lifted to my ear piece. "Guys. Rei is here."

"What?! Where!" I hear ino radio in.

"In front of me. " i relied back. My voice dropped low, and i braced myself for the fight to come. The other figures to my sides seemed to fade out of my mind as i focused on my target. Rei.

"Hmm? You're....." Rei started to say, and her eyes narrowed i thought, before her face lit up. "Sakura-chan!!" I gritted my teeth at her mocking of Naruto's voice. How dare she! How dare she copy his name for me! I admit i don't like even when he doesn't but, she does it even worse!! "How are you? I haven't seen since well...." She trailed off and glanced around. Before mock whispering.
"The, I.N.C.I.D.E.N.T."

"Rei!" I roared out. "You will suffer." I charged. She was fast but i used my extensive chakra control and my massive strength to propel me forward in strength. I lept up and my kunai clashed against up against her sword and slid down. Shit. My aim was off, it didn't break the sword. I quickly dropped to the ground as swung my legs out towards her. Either she would dodge or she would get her feet knocked out from under her. She lept back and i pushed myself up and flipped upwards my body arching to the sky as i launched myself towards her. I saw an outline of a shape in the corner of my eye. Dark hair and the flash of a sword told me it was Sasuke. I adjusted myself to work with him so we could get the better hand of Rei. Slashing. Kicking. Dodging. Blocking. I took a breath. Quicker. Faster. Better. Finally, we landed a hit. Sasuke pushed forward with his sword as i jumped over head intending to deliver a second blow as he struck her with his sword. As i drilled downwards, Rei smiled and the clone, disappeared. Damnit! Sasuke quickly swung his sword sideways his body following and grunted as my body made impact with the forest floor. I quickly pushed myself upwards and ran to where i tied Naruto. I smile on my lips. We caught him. He caught Naruto. My smile started to drop and i stop look down. We didn't catch Naruto. I stared down at the oh so familiar blonde spike the stuck up everywhere on the males head.

"Um....can you untie me now?" The fourth hokage said nervously. I sighed. And leaned down to untie the ropes.

"You couldn't do it yourself?" I turned to see the second hokage. His fluffy white hair accenting his stern but strangely baby like face.

"No, i could have, but that would have been bad manners." The blonde and young hokage said in response.

"The fact yo got tied up in the first place worries me."

"Well what did you expect brother? Here we where talking with a crazy woman and out pops this girl launching herself at minato calling him Naruto. Calling it a surprise might be a bit of an understatement!" Then the first hokage proceed to sit down and have a laughing fit.

"Well. I suppose i can see the mistake. Naruto does look surprising similar to his father."

"But, wait. Um, if you thought i was Naruto, why were you tying me up?" At that everyone turned to look at the pink haired kunochi.

"Well." I started. "Thats a long story."

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