chapter 56

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He followed the dirt road in the shadows of the trees, making his way toward the where the sun kissed the earth.
Towards Konoha.



I walked along the edges of the road, clinging to the shadows the trees cast onto the ground by the brilliantly shining sun.
It hurt my eyes.
My eyes, which hadn't seen sunlight, since the attempt to leave with Clear. Save the light the would shine faintly through the window.
Even that light had gone away as well though. After time. Lyerick had it covered, and boarded up. He didn't want me to attempt to escape again. Though, regardless of the window being boarded up, i still made it. I still go free. They are not going to ever find me again.
My stomach rumbled softly, but i pushed the feeling away. I was not that hungry anyway. i would survive without food for a while longer.
I have been longer without food.
I could do so again.


I could feel my heart beat in my chest.

thump. thump. thump.

Anxiety swelled.
I was unsure of what would happen next. I know Naruto is 10 in this memory. He was 13 when i met him. 11 or 12 when he entered the academy? How far is Konoha from where he is right now, I wonder.....
days passed by as he walked in shadows.
By night, he hunted the trees for food. catching squirrels rabbits sometimes, even deer. Catching them, he would toast them over small fires and strip the bones clean and free of the meat and fur. He passed through various town, stopping only to trade the furs fro the animals he ate for clothing and perhaps a drink or a touch of food.
He pushed onwards with the trademark Uzumaki stamina. Minato chuckled softly, sadly.

"he reminds me of his mother. stubborn, strong, and good heart to boot." he chuckle once more. i nodded at his words. Those words did describe him. Although, he left a few off that I felt described him just as well.
Words like,
beautiful, kind. courageous. loyal. forgiving. enduring.
Words i kept close to my heart. Naruto traveled along the roads for day more. Still no sign of a village.
After nearly a week, Naruto collapsed. His body weak with thirst. Food was not an issue, but he couldn't find water. Time seemed to be blurred as he lay there at the edge of the road. Most likely die to lack of water affect his ability to be able to remember this for the future. A wagon was coming down the road, and halted next to his form. A cloaked figure jumped down, and helped him into the back, where he gave him some water.

"here. drink." naruto drank the water with little encouragement. "there. thats better." the form started the wagon up again, and the started down the path.


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