Chapter 4 - A Simple Woman, and Complex Problem

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I grabbed a blanket and pillow from my bed and went into the corner of my room. I covered myself in the blanket. Then, i cried.

I hugged my knees close to my chest, and shook violently. I rocked back and forth, trying desperately to fight against it. My heart was beating in my ears. My breath was rough an irregular in my ears. Saltwater gushed out of my eyes in rivers. I whimpered. My hands moved to clutch my head. Why now? After all of these years why now? Yelling i shook my head.

"Why is happening again?! i have suffered enough. Why now of all times, when I'm happy does it happen once more?" I screamed out. I hit my head against my knees softly, tears still coming. And slowly i fell into a deep sleep. just before i fell asleep, i muttered softly, "why now?"

Iruka's P.O.V-
I took a small breath before i reached out and opened the door to the hokage's office. Tusnaide was at her desk, her face serious when she glance over at my entry.

"You called for me, Hokage-sama?" I asked politely. I glance swiftly at Kakashi, then at Shikamaru and finally Sakura and Sasuke.

"Yes." Tsunaide said, "I wanted to know if you know anything regarding this woman." She tilted her head, indicating a paper in front of her on the desk. I stepped forward and grabbed it, looking at the woman in question. I frowned slightly. She was a plain woman. Simple was a word that seemed to best describe the photograph. Her hair was an average everyday common place brown tied back into a ponytail. Slight line around her mouth looked like the beginning of laugh lines. Indicating she was around her late thirties, early four ties perhaps? Brown eyes, dark green shirt. Finally i set the picture down on the desk. I shook my head at her.

"I haven't seen her before, at least not that i recall. She seem like a decent woman. But one that would slip your notice. If i have seen her, i don't remember her." I state firmly.

"I see." Tsunaide said. Leaning back into her chair sighing.

"May i ask why you need to know?" I asked her, curiosity seeping in. What could that woman have done to attract the attention of the hokage?

"This woman," tsunaida said, leaning forward and opening her eyes. "Has requested that Konoha-" tsunaide paused for a moment and slammed her fist into the desk, giving it a big dent, but in her defense, she controlled her self enough to not bust it. "THE DAMN WOMAN IS DEMANDING TO COME INTO THE VILLAGE AND LIVE WITH NARUTO!!" I tilted my head confused. If thats all then why is she so upset? I decide to ask her.

"If thats all then why are you angry? Just say no."

"I cant." She growled out.

"Wait what?!" I yelled out. "Why not?" Shikamaru stepped forward.

"If that was all there was to it we would say no. However. Thats not the case." He sighed. " this woman, was originally a Konoha citizen. In fact, we dug into some old records, and it looks like she was even a ninja at one point. Records say the when the kyuubi attacked the village she left."

"" I asked not understanding. "How does that involve living with Naruto?"

"Because she was not registered as a missing nin, she can come and go from this village freely. More freely in face than some of the other ninja around here. Thats not all. According to some documents, the Third Hokage supposedly had Naruto kept within the village and Naruto passed from one orphanage to the next. Until that is, the Third pulled him from the system and naruto practically disappeared for the next few years. Wasn't hardly seen at all, until the year leading up to him joining the academy." The room got seemed to darken.

"I still don't understand." I said.

"Let me explain a little more. Iruka, when Naruto came back to the village, did anything seem strange about his back round. How did he show up after those years. And more importantly where did Naruto go? Tsunaide, had some adoption papers from around the time Naruto disappeared dug up, but she hasn't been able o uncover a single copy of an adoption form. To make matter worse, the Third wrote in a report that he had found Naruto a suitable home, and planned on taking Naruto there."

"This woman, has papers saying her adoption of Naruto occurred." Tsunaide stated. "They aren't formal, but, they were signed by the third hokage."

"So, what does that mean?" Sakura said, asking Shikamaru.

"It means, This woman, is Naruto's mother." Tsunaide said darkly.

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