Chapter 32 - Yes Mistress.

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Her eyes held madness, and she charged forwards. Shrieking. So it had begun.


The battle. Was not easy. Sasuke summoned his great snake and together tried to wrap itself around rei. But she knew tricks of her own. The ruins proved to be her advantage. The crest of the uzumaki glowed and violent red, and she disappeared. Only to have twenty more of her reappear. The yellow flash of Konoha was everywhere. Trying to take down the ungodly amount of Rei clones there were. Many of the normal troops had fallen, victims of ancient traps laid by the uzumaki's. my sand roared around trying to search out the traps that could prove to be a himderance but my attention kept getting broken as various clone worked on attacking me. Trying to prevent me from tripping up all of the traps. Sakura kept smashing and pounding. Rubble and debris flew from her as he fist connected with the ground. Like a young Tsunaide. The Mizukage spat lava from her mouth, but it did little good. Rei was far to knowledgeable to our strengths. And our weaknesses. We were not great at working together. In fact. We sucked at it. There were those who simply viewed this as ridiculous. To wage a war over one boy. Others viewed it as a opportunity to make a name for themselves. Team work was far from our minds. After all. Naruto was the one that had gotten everyone to work together. It was naruto who had been the hero of the fourth great shinobi war. It was naruto who inspired people to do exceed the limits and soar free in to the sky. It was also why they were here in The first place. Fighting. Fighting for the hero. Fro they friend. Otherwise we would have never gotten this far. Yells echoed across the ruins as people fell to Rei's power. Still we were pushing her back. Just a little further i thought to my self. I felt the corners of my mouth turn up ever so slightly as i had located the real Rei and pushed her into the trap. The first hokage using his wood jutsu so ensnare rei. The clones fizzled out of existence as the wood suppressed her ability to manipulate chakra. Her mouth formed a hard line. Then she screamed out.

"OTURA!!" And just like that a wisk of black appeared and the wood was sliced away. Freeing rei. And an even great challenge was raised before us. Naruto. Stood beside her. Looking down at us i felt an ache in my heart. Rei started to laugh.

" you think you can win? How can you take something that is not yours?!?" She screeched out. "Otura is mine!" She smiled sickly. "Kill them." Naruto glanced at her before turning towards us.

"Yes. Mistress." And he jumped towards us.


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