Chapter 24 - The Flowers Were All Red.

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-inside the mind of a dear one-

His head hurts. It hurts so much. He cant think. His eyes saw what lay before him. covering his eyes. Blood trickled down like tears from his left eye.
What he was seeing, was the world he was about to lose. something inside him trembled and broke. He saw it. His world. It was burning.
The flames hurt. He tried to be strong. He tried to get his precious things out of the fire. But he could feel himself slip.
A person reached out and grabbed his hand. His hair redder than the flames which blazed about burning all. The red head waited, as he tried to reach out. But, losing the words he tried to convey. He felt something jump inside him.
His body bent and whipped around. Silent. Soundless. Screams came from his mouth. But no one was there to hear anymore. The red head was gone. Nothing but flames. Burning blazing consuming flames. The boys breaths out in pained gasps.

"No!" he screams out. Something appears from the flames. The blood that formed tears spilled over and took its own shape.
It swished and gushed swirling around. In a gentle manner. A red, hand came up, and it latched itself onto his wrist. You would think being blood that it couldn't but things are strange.
He gazed as figure slowly, steadily took shape before him. Swirling and spiraling upwards like water into the air before him, each droplet clearly seen as it slowly took on the details. As the figure you took shape, it eased Naruto into its gentle embrace.
The flames flickered down, dying and fading away with screams. So too, did his strength fade away. White flowers seemed to spring up. Gently swaying to a non existent breeze. The figure eased back. The part which the blonde boy supposed was the lips moved and a whispery voice, like the softest of silks and satins drifted about him and the flowers.

"Tell me."

"Tell you what?" The Boy asked.

"Tell me." It whispered again. The boy was unsure of what it meant.
"Would you protect your friends, if it meant hurting someone?" It asked. The boy shook his head.

"No! Its better, i be hurt."

"Oh?" It stated, the strange blood figure shushed around Naruto and wrapped its arms around Him.

The scene changed. The flowers were gone. In its place, was a memory. Of a time Naruto had long buried. Hard Walls, arched over head. A box. It was memories From another day. But it was to late. covering his eyes. What he could see was the scent of dream that had faded away into the wind. Nothing remained. The scent had been long blown away. The wall were old and crumbled. He knew this. Yet. Here he was. "Is it okay to hurt someone to protect yourself and your friends?" I asked again.

"No!" He cried out. "Hurt me, wound me! Not them! Please! Don't hurt them!!" But it was in vain. A memory after all is just that. a memory.

"You see? This is what happens when you try to make such choices." More memories seemed to flood the boy. The blonde whiskered boy cried more bloody tears.

"Stop! Stop it!"

"Is it okay to hurt people, to protect your friends and yourself?" It asked again.

"Yes." The boy said, crying. weeping. breaking. The memories seemed to fade for the moment. And the blood figure embraced the boy once more.

If the blonde was able to focus. Able to see. To think. He might have noticed, that the bloody figure had gotten bigger, and that he had gotten small. But he didn't. He couldn't.

The bloody figure asked question after question. Growing, but never losing its soft voice as the blonde boy shrunk dow to a child. Gently the red blood figure pulled hims in a cradle in her arms. Though slightly to big for the figure. neither seemed to mind.

Most of The once white flowers were dyed. Red stained them. Corrupting them. Coating them. Slowly killing them even as the beauty enchants the eye.

"Is it okay, to kill?" It asked finally. The shiver blonde was beyond reason. He eyes where twisting,bloody tears seemed to never stop flowing from him as he spoke his answer.

"Yes." The blood figure pulled the blonde whiskered child close to her and sang softly. The flowers were all red. All. But one. A single tiny flower. Small. Tiny. Weak. And unimportant. This flower was white. "Yes." The boys cried out.

"Shush. Its all right. Your safe now. Nothing can touch you now. I will keep you safe." The boys once lovely blonde hair, was fading away. Drained of the bright yellow, and contaminated with fierce red rage. Such the like that seemed to drive him mad from with. Never had the child felt such anger.

"It hurts." He cried. "Gaara. It hurts!" The bloody figure froze and looked down.

"Gaara? Who is gaara?"

"I....don't....... Know." The boy said soft before yawning and falling asleep in the bloody flowers. The figure sat nearby. Watching. waiting.

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