Chapter 37 - the begining

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"Then," shikamaru said looking back at us. "Lets get ready."


I leaned back on the cold table. It was...uncomfortable. I felt exposed. They had wanted to be able to attach various, instruments and to do required us to shed our shirts. And sand armor. The cold iron table was freezing against my bare skin but i didn't say anything. No reason to.

"Alright." Shikamaru said as Sakura, Ino, and Shizune stepped forward with a needle in each of their hands. "They are going to give you all a shot to knock you out, and i well be making sure that when you fall asleep, your actually just falling into Narutos brain." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, as i felt the needle pierce my skin. And i felt a strange darkness consume me. As i fade into the darkness, a thought stuck me. Where was my white flower. I had with me...... And i then i was gone. Faded away.

~~~~~(3 person p.o.v)~~~~~
Gaara blinked his eyes open, green eyes scanning his surroundings. His eyes met those of the fourth hokage and second hokage.

"Where are we?" The second asked the other two, as he to gazed around. A barren landscape greeting them. Dead plants, withered and grey surrounded them.

"Narutos brain." Minato replied. "A corrupted portion of if." He said glancing at the sheer dry barren empty place. "Let move, perhaps this is a memory." Minato stepped one step, the a strange rumbling sounded. Strange rippls shaking from where Minato stepped. Distorting the landscape around and it shifted. The ripples seemed to spread and then just as they seemed as though it would stop, the whole place shattered. As if it were mere glass. Pieces of the ground flew scattering everywhere, and its place, a new scene came to light.

"Where are we now?" The second hokage asked.

"Naruto's birth." Minato replied his face softening.

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