Chapter 36 - Lets get ready

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"Naruto." I spoke to low for any ear to hear. "Why do you cry?"


I stood leaning against the wall as i watched the scene before me. The other hokages had left for the villages, sasuke was standing at the oppisite wall watching the dobe. Sakura joined up with the medical teams to help heal the soldiers and such. Taunaide over seeing all of that. Ino and shikamaru were here trying to locate a way to remedy Naruto's mind. The first and third Hokage had went to help over see the other Hokage duties that Tsunaide typically performed, but since she was the best medic..... The second stood near the door with the fourth also guarding Naruto. Well. I say guard. Really it was more along the lines of, make sure he doesn't wake up. I watched Ino leaning over Naruto, her eyes closed in concentration. Shikamaru going through the data each test gave him. It seemed as though days went by. But my rational side told me it was in fact only a few hours. Ino and shikamaru broke their concentration and looked up at each other just before Tsunaide walked in. They stood and walked through the door which separated us from Naruto. Kinda looked like an operating room.

"Well?" The female Hokage asked, her face serious.

"Shikamaru. Would you like to inform her?" Ino asked her teammate. He sighed.

"How troublesome." He mumbled before he began his report. "Naruto brain can be fixed, we just need to restore his memories to him. It looks as though Rei used a type of, memory seal. The seal though seems to be places to be random points in his life. So its difficult to really say that just focusing on one point will repair it."

"So we need to undo the seal and replenish his memories."


"Then why have you not started yet?"

"Because it has to be done from the inside."

"Meaning what, exactly?" Minato asked stepping forward.

"Meaning," shikamaru stated, "that we would have to send a team in to go through each of Narutos memories. The good-"

"And the bad." Sasuke finished for him. Shikamaru nodded.

"Exactly. So. Now. Who is going to brave the strange mind of Naruto Uzumaki?"

"I will go." I said stepping forward.
"Thats one."

"No. The Kazekage should not be trifling with such matters." Naruto Uzumaki is a konoha citizen. As such, it would be improper, to allow the leader of another village to interfere with the metal state of one of our ninja's." the second hokage stated looking over at me. Shikamaru looked bored.

"Gaara is one of Narutos closest friends. Not only that, but Gaara owes Naruto his life." Tsunaide said sharply looking at her uncle. "Gaara has every right to be here as any konoha citizen."

"I agree." Shikamaru stated tiredly. "But if your that worried. Go along as well."

"Very well. I will." The second hokage stated firmly.

"I will go along as well." Minato said.

"I will stay behind with Ino and Shikamaru to aid on the outside." Sasuke said coldly. "I have no interest the dobe's brain." Shikamaru nodded.

"That will work." Shikamaru's eyes scanned over the three of us. "This should be good enough. Small enough that what ever dwells inside Naruto not everyone and their dog will know. But large enough to deal with something should it arise. We will also be monitoring you while inside Naruto's brain." We all nodded in understanding. "Then, Tsunaide with your permission, i would like to get this started." She nodded.

"Begin as you please. I will do what i can to get Naruto back." Her face softened. As stupid as he may be. He is the villages hero and icon. And i miss him."

"Then," shikamaru said looking back at us. "Lets get ready."

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