Chapter 10 - Prepare And Cry Part 1.1

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perhaps, naruto's nightmare, and Rei Uzumaki are connected. I stopped and frowned if thats the case we have a serious problem. Any person who can scare Naruto that much, is not welcome in Konoha. The more i thought about the more convinced i became. I sighed again. Better go tell the hokage. Damn. I was hoping for a nap too, i thought looking back up at the sky.

Now -
(Naruto P.O.V)
I blinked my eyes open slowly. I felt as though i had a hangover, and got the flu and was hit my Sakura and Tsunaide at the same time. I groaned and shut my eyes again burying my face in my pillow. I don't want to get up. Rei is coming. When did shikamaru say she was coming? I rolled over and stared at my wall. Light from the window shone through and glimmered on my wall. Oh. Now i remember. Shes coming tonight. After, she meets old lady Tsunaide. I felt something coil up in my stomach. No i would get let her make me sick again. i shook myself and got up. I stood up and clenched my teeth. I wouldn't let it be like before. She was not my mother. Still. If she plans on staying here. I better find somewhere for her to sleep. I thought about. I guess i could move all of my ninja tool an my scroll and stuff out of my spare room. That could work for a room right? Although it will be smaller then mine...but whatever. So, i set to work. Not even bothering to notice the set of eyes that watched me from outside. I pulled out the sliding wooden door and ducked through. It has a short entryway, but once you walk in, the ceiling gets a bit bigger. I started grabbing all of my ninja tools first and carried them in arm full back to my room where i dropped them on the floor before going back. Back and forth i went. Carrying kunai's, sharikans, metal knuckles covers, even a sword here and there. I walked back towards the room. At least i got all the various tools out of the way. Now.... That just leaves, the scrolls and books, and various notes i have stacked up. I stacked and carried similarly to what i did with the ninja tools. Back and forth i went. I dropped the last arm full of papers and scroll onto my bedroom floor, and wiped my forehead. I glance at the clock next to my bed. 3:00pm. It shone in cheery green number. I swear the clock changes the number color on its mood. If i didn't know any better. I would have thought it was a alive. I yawned. For some reason i felt very tired. I glanced around my room sleepily. Meh. I got the moving the stuff done. I'll organize it. Later. With then i made my way over to my bed and collapsed on it, falling asleep almost instantly.
[Wish i could do that (−_−;)]

I opened my eyes to see to darkness. Then i felt familiar fingers intertwine with my hand. My heart races. But i didn't dare look over. I knew if i did, it would be much harder to face in to morning. Silence spread before me. And i knew, somehow, that it awaited behind me as well. Then, i felt the fingers that had wove their way into my own, slip out, leaving them empty and lonely. I felt something gently hug me from behind me. I sweet soft lullaby was lifted into the air.

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