Chapter 29 - Wait. What Was I Just Saying?

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i quickly strode towards my mistress's bedroom.

(A/N- this chapter contains explicit content. This includes but is not limited to, rape. If you chose you may skip this chapter and continue to the next chapter without missing a large piece to the story line. Viewer Discretion is advised.)



I knocked on the door, before i dared to step in.

"Come in Otura." I opened the door an kneeled.

"You asked that i came at once, mistress. What is it you desire?" I kept my eyes to the floor as i spoke. I knew better than to look up at my mistress.

"Stand."she ordered. I stood and waited for her next command. My eyes not moving as i saw what she was wear. Which, was not much. Black thigh high boots, with high heels, tiny black leather shorts which seemed to barely cover her vital parts. And on top, she simply wore a black bra. Her eyes held no warmth as she gazed at me. "Strip." So, i did as she ordered. I pulled my shirt up and over my head. I unzipped my pants and pulled them down. I stood. Naked and bare, before my mistress.

"Mistress." I said simply, and she shook her head .

"You know the rules, Otura." I nodded.
"Rei-Sama. What is it you wish from me?" She simply stared at me some more, before she pointed toward he bed.

"Lay down." I moved and did as she asked. My body laying flat against her bedsheets. I could hear her heels clicking as she approached. She crawled up to me, before she swung her leg across, so that me head was there. Between her legs. She looked down at me. And i felt disgusted. "Well?" She said, rolling her eyes. "Hurry up. Get started." My lips formed a hard line. Of all the things i had to do. This was my least favorite. I hated it. But. I did it anyway. I always did what she asked. I don't know what happen if i disobey. But, something in my body, wont let me disobey. My hands went to the zipper of her pants and then removed her pants. These types of pants could unzip all the way to they could come off with out moving your legs. I suppose that why she liked these pair. She didn't have to do any work. Just simply let me pleasure her. As soon as her pants were of, she came down on to mouth. Waiting. Closing my eyes, i opened m mouth, and shoved my tongue up and into her. The taste was awful. I disliked it, but i had no say in what i did. It was all her. So i had to obey. That was my job. My life. My sole purpose. To please her. In any way. My tongue delved deep inside her. even as i hated the taste, i kept going, moving inside of her, pushing her walls. Even as she got wetter and wetter, make me think i might drown in the foul tasting liquid she produced. I still could not stop. Disgust welled inside of me as my tongue drew forth moans from her. Her body was pressing down on me. Her legs squeezed me tightly, as she humped me, and moaned. I want to vomit. But i continued. My stomach swirling with pure horror and disgust. Her body on top of me, was hot. Her moans were loud and animalistic in nature. Her grinding on my face trying to shove my tongue deeper inside of her made me feel as though i couldn't breath. As though i was going to die. Her fowl liquids dribbled out of the corners if my mouth. I felt no pleasure from this. From her. I felt no pleasure with Rei-Sama. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity if me tongue fucking her. She came. Spreading her juices on the me. She leaned back and looked down at me her eyes hazy. "Your tongue fucking skills. Have gotten better, Otura."

"Thank you. Rei-Sama." I replied wiping my face of her juice. She said nothing more, as she instead climb onto my flax cock. She frowned.

"You still need some work down here." She held her chin high as she waited for me to prepare myself. I leaned forward, and took my hands and pumped my cock. Trying to harden it. To get it so that i could pleasure her. The sooner it was done. The better.
"That will do." She said, as she eyed my cock. Quickly she pushed me down on my back and she slid onto my cock. Her eyes widened at its size. I could see ecstasy fill her face. And she began to move astride me. I shut my eyes. But that only solved one problem. I could still feel her. I could still feel her moving on my cock, tightening around it and pleasuring herself. I could still hear the sounds of skin slapping. I could still her loud moans. And her gasps for air as she drove her self down onto my cock. Driving it deep inside of her. Up and down. I could feel her move. Slap and squish. Slap and squish. She yelled some as well. Often times it was complete gibberish. But sometimes she might say something that might make a least a bit of sense. Like, "oh yes!!" Or sometimes, "AH~ you feel great!" Or something to that effect. Whatever. Doesn't matter to me. This after is. Is part of my job. Because i am her toy. He play thing. If she wants sex. Then i must provide. If she want blood, i must provide, if she wants to see pain, then i obeyed. I always obeyed. Just then Mistress stopped. She look at me before speaking. "We are changing positions."

"Yes Rei-sama."

.I softly shut the door. Mistress finally finished playing with me....... After four hours. So i was free to go to my own room. At the other side of the building. I grabbed my clothes as i left. Once inside my room, i threw my clothes onto the floor, and went to take a bath. I was still naked. And i felt as though my skin was crawling with germs. Like i had been infected with some sort of disease. The tub filled and i quickly got in, and set to work scrubbing my body. I scrubbed and i scrubbed. I felt sick to my stomach. I scrubbed some more, i say a small cut on my skin and blood come out and a tear leaked out of the corner of my eye. I kept scrubbing. It wont go away. Her touch wont go away. It hurts. I scrubbed my body harshly trying desperate to get rid of her lingering touches.

" Stop it." I whispered out. Make it stop." Tears ran down my face.
"It hurts gaara!" i whisper softly to myself. Then my head seemed like had bust open. My hands flew to my head and i clutched it tightly. Then it was gone. I looked down at the water and blinked.

What. Was i just saying?

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