Chapter 2 - Empty Nightmere

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I sighed, and decided to some training. That's using my time wisely, right? I shook myself, and took a deep breath before starting

I bent over, my hands on my knees, i stood like trying to catch my breath. My knees felt weak, and the sun had long since disappeared. I had been training the past two day, non stop. I glanced up through my hair, which hung over my face in a blonde mess. I stared at the desolation that surrounded me. A once pretty clearing where team 7 trained together. It stuck me then what i had done. I took a place we i have good memories, memories that i share with another person, and destroyed. tore it to pieces like an animal tears into its prey.I fought the tremor that tried shake me. I held my ground an forced myself to look at the scene which i had created. It was reduced bare churned dirt and splintered trees and broken off branches. The clearing looked as if some sort of storm hit it. I stood and shook myself, as if i would be able to shake the sense of foreboding off as easily as the dirt on my clothes. I turned and took a shaky step towards home. I tried to take another, my foot slipped, and i fell. My eyes closed as my head neared the ground, and i landed in the depths of unconsciousness.
I opened my eyes to see emptiness. I turned to see if my i had missed something. Missed anything. There was nothing. I felt my heart start to race. No, where is everyone?! I tried to move but it felt as if the blank empty blackness merely sucked me further every time i moved. I felt myself dragged me further into the abyss. I tried to scream, tried to call for help, but all that i got in return was a flood of black water gushing into my mouth. It was trying to drown me. I kicked and wiggled and fought. My limbs felt as thought they had weights on them. I fought till i could no longer tell which was up and down. But still i fought. And still i drowned. A voice sounded in the midst of my never ending struggle.

"You disgusting monster. You deserve no name. Your an it!!!
It!!! It!!! It!!.." The strange and familiar voice screeched it. Making echo. I felt a single tear run away and escape down my cheek. I know who that voice belongs to. I shut my eyes tightly, and for the first time, in a very very long time,

I, uzumaki naruto,
savior of konoha, the number on most surprising ninja, jinchuriki to the nine tails, a hero of the 4th shinobi war, and son of the fourth hokage,

Gave up.

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