Chapter 44 - what is that?

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"Hmm. Well, i suppose there is no helping it. I will have the boys take me in to town this evening after dinner."



I felt strange, my mind felt odd. I blinked my eyes open to view a flower field. The flowers were all red. Save for a few. I stood up, and again the strange feeling hit me again. I think I'm shorter than i am supposed to Thats not right. Cant be, right? My blue eyes gazed around and i stumbled forward on short chubby legs. I felt as though i was forgetting something. Something important. I hurried forwards, pushing myself as fast as i could towards something i could mot remember. But that didn't matter. Something, no. SOMEONE, was waiting for me. I felt my legs grow stronger, grow longer. My lungs heaved as i forced oxygen through my body, fueling me. I ran, and i ran.
"FASTER!!!" I screamed out, before i collapsed onto the ground. My breath escaped and i landed hard. I was panting and gasping.
"Naruto." I heard a eerily familiar voice speak. My head flashed up to see a boy. He was my age, with hair more red then even the flowers the covered the field. My mind puzzled over the word he had said. Naruto. Who is Naruto? Why cant i remember? Wait. Its something i can remember? I slowly stood up to face the boy. My breathing seemed to slow as i gazed into his emerald green eyes. Enchanting. "Naruto." He said again, reaching his hand out, i hesitated. Who. Who is this boy. My head hurt, i clutched at it, as a bolt of pain struck me. Then, i remembered. Naruto. Thats me.
I am Naruto. My breath caught. Gaara! I reached out, but a glass wall seemed to be separating us.
"Gaara!" I cried out, pressing myself against the wall. His face relaxed, and in his hand i saw a single white flower. Pure, untainted by bloody color which dyed the field behind me. And then i saw behind him. More white flowers. The dye being washed away from within me. I smiled at him. Gaara, i am not sure how, but he is saving me. My forehead slid and forward and rested against the clear glass. And i gazed at Gaara. "Hey Gaara." I asked softly, not even sure he could hear me. "How. How are you doing this?" Gaara shrugged.

"Your memories. I am repairing your memories." He spoke so lowly that i could barely make out his voice. That or it was because of the glass wall. I felt myself chill. My memories. Wait! No! H-He cant! I...don't want him to see me like that. To see me weakened! My mouth open, ready to protest, but Gaara face became so gentle so soft and loving, so warm. I felt my mouth slide close. I trust Gaara. If its him. I can show him. If its memories huh? I suppose i better start digging them up then huh. I cant remember most of them anyway. I took a deep breath and nodded to him. Allowing myself to be thrown back into the depths of my mind. To memories, i thought were unrecoverable. Things i had forgotten.

"Gaara, keep me safe okay?" I asked this of him as i slid down into darkness. I still don't think that was really Gaara, but. I want to believe it is. I have to. Because if i start doubting Gaara, what will be left of me? Already konoha seems like a distant dream. Wait. Konoha......

what is that?


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