Chapter 19 - hell happened

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What i saw inside, horrified me beyond anything i had seen during the third shinobi war.


I stared down in the hole and felt ice shoot through in my veins. Slowly i crawled down the latter into the room beneath the floor.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

"Its a space time jutsu. Though it appears to be a room under his apartment. Is a separate place entirely." I stood inside the darkness and shikamaru handed the female hokage a light. It illuminated the room and shadows danced across the walls. The bloodstained walls.

I stepped forwards and the smell hit me. The smell of death. It wafted around making me want to vomit. But i kept my cool. I walked further in and saw buckets filled with a strange liquid. And upon closer inspection, i saw it was filled with thick red blood. I gasped. And turned away from it before continuing towards a silver thing further in. A table. I wanted a closer look and saw restraints. There was dry blood crusted in the restraints, i felt something under my heel. I stepped back and nearly vomited. There on the flood, was a piece of an ear. Then i noticed something that made me want to cry.blood crusted Blonde hair laying scattered across the floor.

"Oh kami-sama." I whisper to shikamaru. "How could we have not known about this?" I turned and went back to my office.

i dismissed Shikamaru. "Go on, go help your friends find naruto." I wrote a letter to gaara and explained the situation to gaara with any luck this whole situation will be over with shortly. After i sent that letter to Gaara, i started a letter to the Raikage and to the Mizukage. I was not yet sure of Rei's purpose for takin Naruto but i didn't think it was for a family reunion. Anyway, i was also concerned about Rei taking Naruto elsewhere out of my reach. It would complicate things. I finished writing the letters and sent them off towards the kages. I had written one for the Tsuchikage as well, and sent it. But it was more of a polite letter to keep him informed so that he didn't get all worried and such. I sighed, an my brain started working on the facts i had gathered so far. I had sent the hair and blood to be tested. I was almost sure if whose blood and hair it was but, i was hoping it wasn't. Because it was indeed his. That meant Rei was not to be under estimated. Naruto is a strong boy. He knows how to take care of himself and has taken care of many others. The fact that she had Naruto on the ropes. Means shes either, A) smart, B)strong or C) strong and smart. I bit my fingernail. My office door opened with a click and i spun around to see shizune come in with a thin file.

"Tsunaide-sama. Here is the report of the blood and hair you asked for." I reached out and took it. I flipped through the pages and my face wrinkled up in confusion.

"What in the world?! What the hell is going on here?!" I shouted loudly. "Shizune! Are you sure that this is correct?" Shizune nodded.

"I checked five times before i wrote up the report and came to give it to you. The report is accurate. I even had a few other people try to see if they got different results. There is no mistake Tsunaide." I sighed and collapsed into my chair. Oh my god. Naruto, what the hell happened in the hell hole?

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