Chapter 3- Look Before You Cry

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I uzumaki naruto,
savior of konoha, the number on most surprising ninja, jinchuriki to the nine tails, a hero of the 4th shinobi war, and son of the fourth hokage,

Gave up.

The voice screeched and screeched, in the darkness. I covered my ears with my hands, and squeezed my eyes shut even tighter. Trying desperately to block out her voice. Her mangled, rough, voice. I let out a whimper and curled up into a ball, the blackness surrounding me, the silence and emptiness that accompanied it, seemed to retreat. Though now i wanted it more than ever. Where i once feared it, i now welcomed it. Where i once fought, i now try to tempt. I wiggled again. This time though trying to dig and bury myself in the blackness. Then, slowly, i felt something start to creep its way from my hair, to my cheek, then down to my neck, then further down to my shoulder. My fear grew each time if moved. Finally, i felt it on my stomach. I let out a scream, and i jerked my self to my feet wide awake. My eyes darted around, taking in their surroundings. Daylight. i had fallen asleep.My breathing was ragged and fast. Fear had my heart in a frenzy. I took a deep breath, and forced my heart to slow. Used my chakra to calm myself down. Just then the branches rustled and the rest of team 7, followed closely by Iruka and Shikamaru. Iruka jumped down next to me, with his kunai at the ready, sakura followed suit. Sasuke and Kakashi crouched kunai, and sharingan at the ready. Shikamaru stood further in the back taking in the situation.

"Naruto. What wrong?" Kakashi said queitly, still looking around.

"We heard you screaming, are you hurt?" Iruka quickly said. It clicked in my head then. When i screamed in the nightmare, i screamed in real life as well. I flew into action.

"No! No! No!" I yelled out waving my arm about wildly. They all looked at me like i was a mad man. "There is nothing wrong." I said sighing. "I fell asleep and, had a nightmare, that all." I spoke quickly, scratching the back of my head and chuckling in nervousness. They relaxed, and sighed. Kakashi took his headband and covered his his eye once more. Then after a moment turned and left. Sasuke snorted and left shortly before Kakashi. I turned toward sakura hoping for something not violent related. Unfortunately, that was not to be. When i turned to face her, an angry face and mean punch to my head greeted me. After giving me what she decided was gentle beating she left. Iruka shook his head at me before he walked off a little angry. Shikamaru, stood, for a moment,look at me, His face empty of emotion. Then, frowning ever so slightly, as if he grew tired of standing there. He turned and walked away. Doing his best to save his energy, and avoiding any of the fallen trees and broken branches.

Iruka's P.O.V -
I walked down one of the streets of Konoha toward my house. my mind wandering over to incident over at team 7 training grounds. I couldn't figure it out. No matter how hard i tried. I mean, nightmares are normal for people. So, it should surprise me that Naruto has nightmares. But, even if he does have nightmares, what could make him scream like that. I had never, in all of my years knowing him, ever heard him make such a blood curdling screech of pure terror before. Not when face madara, or pain, not even when he lost control of kyuubi during the fight with pain. Naruto, has never, ever screamed like that before. And his eyes. His eyes looked so, broken, so lonely, and fragile. Even if it was only for a moment. My heart tremble a little bit. I reached my house, and went inside, shutting the door. I looked up to see Kakashi standing there. In my living room. Reading a perverted book. Again. I noticed the cover was different this time. Instead of a woman, it showed a picture of two men. Kakashi shut the book and looked at me.

"Iruka. I have to ask. as caption of team 7, as well as the fact that if it scares Naruto, its obviously something serious. Do you know of anything, that could have cause Naruto's scream earlier?" Kakashi said, entirely focused upon me. I sighed. And shook my head.

"Unfortunately no. I haven't the faintest clue as to what could make him act like that." I answered kakashi truthfully.
"Hmmm? Really? None at all?" Kakashi shook his head at me. "Somehow i highly doubt that." He said。"so.i guess i will have to resort to other means." He said. My gut dropped. I could practically hear him smirking. In a quick fluid motion he had his shirt and mine on the ground and was straddling me. Sometimes, have kakashi as a boyfriend is such a pain in the ass. Literally.

Naruto P.O.V -
I thought once more of the nightmare. I hadn't had a nightmare like that in a while. A long while. I tried to sooth my mind, but the desolation around me, seemed to feed the thoughts i am trying hard to suppress. I forced my self to look up. And struggled a little as i forced a smile onto my face. I i took deep breaths. And made my feet move. Slowly at first, but then faster. I jump from and dashed. As quickly as o could forgetting about my weariness in my effort to get home. I could feel it coming on. I knew it was coming, i could feel it in my gut. I went inside through my window not caring to use the door. I turned quickly as i flew in. I shut the window, locking the latch, and shutting to curtains, i double checked every door and window of my tiny apartment. Making sure they were lock and shut. I grabbed a blanket and pillow from my bed and went into the corner of my room. I covered myself in the blanket. Then, i cried.

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