chapter 59

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somehow my feet still moved. as though of their own accord. towards my last hope. my only hope. Konoha



i kept walking slowly. my head was down. it was everything i had in me to simply walk forwards. all i could think, was of clear, and his face as his died. Clear. my steps echoed in my head. i thought i heard someone faintly shouting, but i disregarded it. something grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. i slowly, forced my head to rise. to see a man standing before me. i couldn't understand what he was saying. everything seem loud. distorted. how long have i been walking? the sun seemed violently bright. cheerful. everything seemed bright. blurry, loud. i struggle to form words.

"is this Konoha?" i asked the man. it was distorted and hard to understand. but i heard it. the bell of hope ringing. he said, yes. finally, i grinned dizzily. "i made it." i fell forwards onto the ground.


i watched naruto as he had made the long walk. he didnt stop once. kept walking. one foot. then the other. a stedy dull pace. the look of horror, and shock plain of his face. i could only watch as he walked. one hour. then two. then four. time ticked away, as he walked. He reached the tall gates of Konoha, and kept walking. One of the gate guards stopped him. he asked him for his name, why he was there. no response. finally Naruto spoke.

"is this Konoha?" he asked. the man nodded,

"it is. yes, you are in Konoha. why?" but Naruto didn't reply. he smiled shakily and his body swayed. "i made it." then he collapsed on to the ground.
Naruto's memories flew by.
i watched him grow, in the academy. i watched him grow stronger. make friends. he kept his promise.
slowly, he healed.
He grew strong.

"thats my boy." i nodded to minato.

"naruto. he is strong. and he was stronger than we ever knew." i close my eyes as i felt something tug at my mind. when i opened them,
i was laying on the table.
Tsunaide and the other stood there. i turned over to see Naruto moving around. I stood up and walked over next to him. He blinked slowly and looked at me.

"hey Gaara." everyone cheered. his friends moved forward, Naruto returned.
i smiled at him.
he nodded. Minato, stepped next to me.

"im glad he is my son." i did nothing.

"alright! thats it, everyone out. everyone. even you minato. Naruto needs space, and time." Tsunaide ordered. "now get out." everyone left.
I glance back at him as i left. uncertainty filling my mind. Naruto. Do you really love me?
days passed before i could see him again.
Naruto was released to go back to his home, the previous hokage's had been sealed back up.
Tsunaide was back up to her old habits. Narutos friends had calmed down, though they still slightly hovered. But everyone was relaxed. It was over.
The storm had passed, the pieces picked up and put back together. almost all.
I sat on Naruto's roof gazing out at the sun. the streaks of color stretch across as the sun sank down into sleep.

"gaara." Naruto's voice echoed. "your here."

"of course." he clamored up to sit beside me.

"gaara. you never came to visit, why?" i turned away, looking at the ground. trying to find words.

"dunno." i said. my emotions churning confusingly and coating my words in thick layers.

"hey, Gaara," Naruto said, as he look at the sunset with me. "what do you think of it?" i shrugged. it was wonderful, but i had something far more precious sitting next to me.

"its beautiful." i whispered sadly, i spoke about hom. yet i knew, he was speaking about the sun. i looked away.

"hmm." Naruto said thinking. "i know something better." naruto moved and wrapped his arms around me from me behind. i didnt move.
if this was a dream.
its a very cruel dream. "Gaara. if i told you, i loved you. would you hate me?" my mouth was dry, and i was unable to speak.
i shook my head. Naruto turned my head to the side and leaned over my shoulder.
He kissed me tenderly. lovingly.
As though i was made of glass.
i could feel my heart breaking and being reforged. "thats good." Naruto'sy whispered, as he rested his forehead against mine. i could feel his warm breath upon my face. I could see into the depths of his deep blue eyes and i could see every eyelash outlining his eye. "hey Gaara. I love you." i smiled at him. He smiled back.

I replied. "hey naruto." i whispered so him softly, "i love you." he chuckled softly and leaned in once more to kiss me. i welcomed it.


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