Regretting You

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"Y/n!" Your name hollowed out the stark white hallways. "Y/n!"

His legs carried him at a million miles per hour as he dodged people left, right and centre, his goal of getting to you seemed unachievable as he raced forward, you never seemed to get closer, he never seemed to move fast enough.

As he arrived at your door, his legs froze, contracting as he watches you, the way your chest barely rose from a breath to the paleness of your skin. He stumbled closer to you, crumpling over your stomach.

"Y/n." He sobbed; your cold hand grasped in his own. "y/n." His chest quaked as he called your name. "Oh god..."

If you had any clue that he was there with you, your hand would have run through his hair, one of your favourite sensations in the world some time ago.

"I'm so sorry my love." He climbs onto the bed, sniffling as he lays by your side. "I'm so sorry that I left you. What was I think?" He whispered, his lips brushing against your head as he spoke. "If I was with you... you wouldn't be here." As it always happened, he blamed himself for your condition.

He blamed himself for the bruises scattered over your body, the scrap across your cheeks, the cut in your lip, he blamed himself for the trauma you'd have if you woke up, for the scratches caused by being thrown around a gravel laden alley and most of all he blamed himself for the two stab wounds in your lower stomach.

"I've been going insane." He confesses to you. "No matter where I go, there's always something that reminds me of you. I can only imagine you've found a way to move on, you're resilient like that." He brings your hand to his lips.

"It was stupid of me to break your heart, even if you said it was mutual... I still loved you, I still love you." Another few tears leave his eyes.

"If... if you need to leave..." He choked on his words. "If you need to go, know that it's alright... if that's easier for you, if that will cause you less pain, it's okay to go, everyone will be alright." He wraps his arms around your waist, placing a kiss against your cheek. "I will hold you until you make your choice."

"C/n?" C/n burst up from lying next to you, your teary-eyed mother looking between you and the torn man next to you. He wipes away his tears unable to form words, your mother wraps her arms around C/n, his attempted façade cracking as he breaks down in her arms.

"I'm glad you're here." Your mother whispered, she sits in a chair, opposite C/n once they'd stopped hugging. C/n took his place again, his leg hooked over your still one, his hand in yours, his forehead resting against your temple.

"Do you remember that day you went snooping through my notebooks?" He mumbles. "The day you found out how I felt... do you remember that? Finding my poem? I do." He thinks back to that day, a solemn smile crawling along his face.

"What are you doing?" C/n questioned as he came into his hotel home, sea breeze blowing the white curtain into the room, the fabric dancing under the sunlight.

"Oh, you know... finding out that C/n C/Ln writes poetry!" You exclaim.

"You're snooping?" His jaw drops, his brows furrowed as he attempts to hide his smile. "You don't want to read that stuff... it's bad... it's boring." He waved off his work.

"Rubbish, your words are so pretty..." You flick through the pages locating your favourite one.

"What does it mean to love?

Is it to stare longingly at her?

Is it to smile when she's happy?

Is to cry when she breaks?

I think love is to experience.

To be in her life

To see the way, she lives

To love the way, she lives

To witness

I experience her every day

Thriving on her life

Enthralled for her success.

Experiencing her the way she is

For whom she is

So, in love, so in pain

For she experiences me

As a friend, as a companion

But never as what I want.

Never in love

I love her.

And shall not stop.

Until there is no her to love

no life to experience.

Until there is no her" You pronounced every word with such beautiful eloquence C/n found himself staring at you as you finished reading it. "See, such pretty words but why haven't you told me about this?"

"As I said, it's boring, just a thing that I do when I've got a lot on my mind." Once again he brushes it off, his face expressionless but his eyes held fear.

"It's beautiful c/n... but that's not what I meant, these are some pretty heavy emotions..." You wave the book in the air, throwing it aside as you patted the bed next to you.

"It's nothing... really." He assures you, lying the opposite way to you, your feet on the pillows his hanging off the edge as you came face to face.

"Who is she?" You question. "The woman that one is written about?"
Without another word he leaned in and kissed you, his lips moving against yours with such magic. He pulled you into him with ease, his sun-tanned skin glowing against you as you deepen the kiss.

"You." He rasped as you pulled away.


Hello! Sorry, this is late! No excuses. I hope you enjoy this!

I wish for your day/night to treat you well <3.


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