I Promised You My Heart

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Your eyes flicked everywhere at once.

People wouldn't stop talking over each other.

Orders were thrown at everyone

Sympathetic eyes stared down at you, masks covering their faces.

Your loved ones tried to chase after you, but they weren't allowed into the operating theatre. The last pair of eyes you saw through your teary Y/EC ones were C/N's.

Everything went black but you felt the pain. Your chest felt as if it was being torn apart, stretched, pulled and poked. They took out your heart.

Then everything stopped. There was nothing. You no longer existed. A mistake made.

Until there was a beep and another. Mistake fixed. They placed your new heart in.

You felt like a doll being stitched up. Your chest slowly pulled together. The one slip of the hand forgotten about.

Days later you woke. Bright lights stinging your eyes as you came to.

When your family stared at you, you couldn't help but smile. A single tear running down your cheek.

You felt more alive than ever.

Your face falls as you look around.
"Where..." Your voice comes across as raspy. "Where is C/N?" You whispered. Everyone stared to the floor. Your mother took you by the hand.

"He loved you so much." She patted your hand. "So much." She reached up and stroked your cheek. "He said he promised you his heart forever. So, he gave it to you to keep until it's stopped beating." She lifted your hand and kissed it.

You put your hand to the scar on your chest. It started to shake as your sobbed, sobs that could be heard from heavens, sobs that couldn't break C/N's heart where he rested.

Because his heart like it always did belongs to you.

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