The Girl Everyone Loves (pt.2)

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Upon his desk sat a sandwich with ham and cheese, his favourite type and a fresh strawberry milkshake. He apologized to his teacher for being late who gave him a sympathetic smile and followed him over to his desk.

"One of your fellow students has informed me of what happened at lunch, they have agreed to take notes for you this session whilst you eat." Your English teacher nods at him before returning to the front of the class.

C/n's gaze turned to you, but your nose was stuck in your book as you ensured to take clear and concise notes. He smiles knowing there wasn't anyone else in the room who would do this, everyone knew who did it, it was classic of you.

He enjoyed his meal as you took notes, his eyes would glance at you every few seconds as he took a sip of his milkshake. When the class ended he tried to catch your arm, but you were racing out of the room, once again he sighed.

You hadn't intended to ignore him again, you had actually just convinced yourself to talk him for once, but you had to get to the school library before it closed first. You slipped through the doors, annoying the staff as you forced them to stay open for that much longer.

You copied all five pages of notes, your hand hurting just looking at the number of words you had written and in exceptionally neat handwriting compared to your normal.

When the sleep-inducing photocopier finished its job everyone had left school, her bus had left a half-hour ago she walks to her house, dropping off her stuff before heading back out, the sky darkening by the moment, the moon was shining overhead as you reached your destination.

You knocked on the door, smiling sweetly as it opens revealing the woman you assumed was C/n's mother.

"Hi there, can I help you with something?"
"Um, yeah actually, I'm a friend of C/n's, we're in the same grade."
"Oh, hi." She gleams. "I'm his mum, C/m/n." She shakes your hand.
"Y/n L/n." You return the favour, her jaw drops, her eyes widen.

"Y/n... oh it's so nice to finally meet you." She brings you into a hug, squeezing tight, you hug her back in confusion, trying to figure out why she was so excited and how she knew of you.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Please come in... what are you doing around here so late?"
"I have some notes from English, for C/n." You hold up the notes, biting the inside of your cheek.
"Yes, C/n was telling me about what you did for him today, it's very sweet of you."
"Oh..." You hesitate. "I just wish I hadn't been the cause of the issues."

"You can't control what the douches at school do." She waves off your concerns. "Drink?"
"Actually, that would be lovely."

"Sounds even better." You share a smile with her. "I still feel bad, he tries to talk to me all the time... and I don't mean to ignore him... I just... I uh." You stutter as you realize what you were about to say before it came out.

"You like him." She smirks knowing exactly what you were thinking.

"Uh, it's, uh."
"I was in high school once you know, I know that feeling, your words get stuck in your throat." She places the tea in front of you somehow knowing exactly how you had it.

"He must think me terrible for ignoring him..." You sigh ignoring the fact that your crushes mother knew you liked her son.

"Oh honey, he doesn't stop talking about you, every afternoon it's Y/n this, Y/n that." He leans on the bench across from you, sipping at her own drink. Your cheeks flush bright red, your hands shaking. "I thrive on it, you're a very interesting girl and you do a lot of kind things."

"T-thank you." You gulp not believing what you were hearing. "W-where is C/n anyway? Not that this isn't really nice, actually it's really nice..." you rambled...

"He's gone down to the shop to pick up a few things for dinner... he'll be back soon enough..."
"I can just leave these here if I'm bothering-"

"No, it's quite alright hon, I've been waiting to talk to the famous Y/n for a long while now." She smiles behind her mug.
"Really?" She nods and you can't help but smirk.

"He'll kill me for telling you but you're just so adorable." She pouts.
"Thank you." You giggle.

"Mum, who's that?" You jump at the small voice from behind you, turning to see the most beautiful little girl, with the same hair and eye colour as C/n.

"This is Y/n sweetie, Y/n this is C/s/n." You get down from your seat, kneeling down to C/n's sister's level.

"Nice to meet you." You shake her hand even though she was still staring like a madman.
"You're the y/n."

"So, everyone knows my name." You laugh before the C/s/n leapt into your arms.

"You look like a princess."
"Aw thank you, sweetie." You pouted at how cute she was.

You were about to speak again when the door to the house opened, your eyes widen and his mother, sensing your fear, gestured for you to hide behind the bench and for C/s/n to sit upon the bench and pretend the tea was hers.

"Hey mum, do you mind unpacking these? I was going to head around to Y/n's house, I got her some chocolates to say thank you for today."

"Okay sweetie, but go have a shower first, get rid of that milkshake smell, she won't very well kiss you when you smell like that, do your homework, and then go. You can dinner when you get back."
"Muuummm." He groaned, his sister giggling. "She doesn't like me, I just want to say thanks... what if she's asleep?" He complains.
"You heard me, young man, go."
"Fine..." He says and you can hear a smile.

His footsteps disappear up the stairs, you let out a sigh of relief through your cheeks were burning from what had been said. His mother looked down at you with a mischievous smirk.

"Let's have some fun."

Hi there! Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this. 

Loki is on his way very soon! Thank you again for 3k reads!!!!

I hope your day/night is groovy.


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