Just Give Me The Signal

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The big day was approaching and your nerves were building. Four months ago your boyfriend asked you to marry him. He then spent two months forcing you to show off the 'impressive' ring he got you and refusing to talk about any wedding stuff at all. 

The second lot of two months were hectic, the progress that had to be made in a short time was the kind of stress you could have avoided. 

Considering the both of you met at work, you decided you needed to invite the rest of your co-workers. Your fiance even offered some of them a place to stay as the wedding was going to be at his parent's house... mansion... he'd always make you say mansion.

Now he was fighting you because you had offered one person a room compared to his five for Kathleen, Simon, Susan, Mark and Cindy. All of whom you knew he'd gone out with in the past. You had one person at work that you were friends with.

Aside from BFF/n they were your best friend, a person who you trusted through and through. He made you feel safer than anyone else. 

If you weren't in the middle of a fight, that thought would have been daunting. 

"You can't just invite people to stay in my parent's house." He shouts for the fifteenth time during this fight. 

"You've already invited several... why can't I have one? He's the one person from work I get along with." 
"Not even me?" He says just to wind you up. 

"Right now, no, not even you." You hiss at him. "But you know what, it doesn't matter, you've made every other choice, It doesn't matter, Michelle or Keith or whatever can have the room." Your voice had reached maximum volume, you grabbed your keys and your jacket, heading out the front door. 

"Where are you going?" He chases after you. "You have to stay here. You've got your last fitting. If you miss it then it's not my fault if the dress doesn't fit." His voice was filled with venom.
"Actually, it is, if you didn't leave all the planning so fucking late, then we wouldn't be in this position." You slammed your car door, pulling out of the drive. Before you drive away, you open the window.

"And that dress is so ugly, I don't think anyone would notice if it didn't fit." You shouted, turned your music up and left. 

You knew you'd have to return, the wedding after all was the next day, 9:00 AM. You couldn't run forever but right now you had no problem with it. 

"Hello, bride-to-be." C/n greeted you as you barged passed him, into his apartment. "Now, don't take this the wrong way... but don't you have things to be doing?" 
"Don't remind me." You sit on a bar stool, forehead resting on the island bench. 

"What's going on? You're upset." He leans against the counter, arms folded over his chest as he prepares himself to be upset as well. 

"F/n and I had a fight." 
"Another one?" C/n inquires. "Save some for after you're married." You couldn't help but snicker at his words. "What's he fighting over now?" 
"Apparently it's illegal to offer you a room for the night." 
"Oh, I see." He frowns. "Well, that's a simple fix, I won't stay the night." He sips his cup of coffee, one you hadn't even noticed he had. 

"It's not that simple, I don't get what his problem is." You sigh. 

"He doesn't like me." He stated you scoff, stealing his coffee. "It's true. He doesn't. He hasn't ever and I'm pretty sure he disliked me more after you started dating." 
"But why? How could anyone dislike you?" You stare into the dark abyss of the cup. 

"The answer's obvious." He tries to hold back his smile. "He's threatened by my killer looks and utter sexiness." You cracked, letting out a laugh at his exaggerated hair flip. 

"Am I being silly?" 
"No." He reassures you. "Your fiance's being an ass." Again you laugh. 

"Am I doing the right thing?" You sigh, failing to meet his eyes. C/n swallows hard, words wishing to escape his mouth. He battles against them. 

"I can't answer that for you." He settles on a vague answer. 
"You're right." You nod. "I think it's just stress and cold feet." You decide. 
"You know." He takes his cup back, filling it up again, his back turned to you. "Maybe he's threatened because if you married me, you wouldn't get cold feet." His words struck you, down to the core of your chest. 

"I'm just kidding. Laughter is the best medicine remember." He turns to face you, covering his tracks. 
"Right." You laugh, though it's forced of slight. "Well, I have a dress fitting in like an hour so, I better get going to avoid more fighting." You smile, rounding the bench. 

"You'll be stunning." He compliments. 
"The dress is bright yellow... I look like the understudy for Emma Wiggle." You pout. 
"I said you'd be stunning not the dress." He rolls his eyes accepting your offer for a hug. Your eyebrows furrow as you feel him hold you tighter when usually he'd let go. 

"Are you okay?" You whisper. 
"Yeah, all good." He lies and you know it. 
"Just so you know, you don't need to come if you don't want to... I know with nowhere to stay it might be better for you..." 
"Stop worrying okay, I'll see you tomorrow." He stands at the threshold of his front door. "And remember, if you want me to object, just give me the signal." He smiles as if it's a joke but his eyes speak a different story. 

"What's the signal?" You force a laugh. 
"I'll know it." He reassures you, stepping back. 

"You sure you want to be there?" You ask, noticing the way his jaw clenches. 

"I'll be there." He laughs, finally closing the door as you walk away. "I'll be there." He whispers. "Though, it might just kill me." He sighs, flopping onto the couch with a groan. 

You slept like a rock that night, which you thought unusual for you... usually, big events like this kept you awake for a week beforehand. You had expected your wedding to be worse. 

The morning had flown by and now, you were standing at the altar, spacing out to your fiances vows as your heart began to race and your ears began to ring. You turn your head to the crowd watching intently. You know where he was. He was the first person you looked for as you started walking down the aisle. 

His E/c eyes meet your own. 

He didn't hesitate. 
"I object." 


I really didn't want this to be a two-parter but it got long really quickly. 
Anyway, I like this one, and I hope that you do too. 

Part two?

I hope you have a groovy day/night. 

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