There for You (P.t 2)

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The tears hadn't stopped since you had pulled into the driveway of your parent's house. You sat in near silence for a moment, resting your head against the steering wheel. You knew this was going to make everything worse.

Your eyes clenched shut as you heard the front door of the house open and close, footsteps hurrying towards you. Your knuckles turned white as your father draped himself over you, hugging you close. You knew it was the pain, the grief, combined with the fact that you were now an only child.

"How are you holding up kid?" He asks, putting on a brave face for your mother and you.

"Terribly. I just broke down in front of my bosses." You sobbed. "I just lost my brother." You choked. 
"I know. I know." He doesn't force you from the car before you're ready.

"It sounds stupid. I shouldn't be worried about work but I care about those guys and... I just... I can't." You failed to explain your thoughts in the moment. 
"You don't have to explain. Not ever, if you don't want to but I'm here when you're ready." He reassured you as you got out.
"Thanks, dad." You whispered, making your way inside.

C/n's fingers tapped against the steering wheel impatiently as he started on the road again, so far he had been forced to change his tire, stop for petrol, and at one point thought he was going to receive a ticket.

This set him back a while meaning by the time he made it to your parent's house, it was dark. He thought himself lucky that he remembered the address. He had spent enough time listening to your mother's stories of when you were younger six or so months back. They had been filming out in the woods by the house, using the house as a place to meet and get warm.

He had never wanted to forget it, always wanted to know that if he needed to see you or get in touch, the house was there.

Not to mention your parents were lovely, your mother was a bit dramatic sometimes but that amused him nonetheless.

Your mother had told you after the crew left that she liked C/n, thought he was a sweet young man, that was he was a good listener. That brought a smile to your face.

Today, you hadn't found a reason to smile, not once but who could blame you? The house surrounded you with memories of your brother. He haunted you.

"Y/n?" Your mother called from the door when she had seen headlights from a car shine through the front windows of the house. "It's for you." Your eyebrows creased as you moved down the hallway, your hand weak on your screen door as you push through it.

There he was.

Stood at the foot of your front stairs.

His posture was relaxed but you could see the strain of tension running over his chest.

Your knees gave out from under you, a cry escaping your lips, you trembled as his arms wrapped around you, stopping you from hitting the ground, instead, you found yourself curled up in his lap. You buried your face in his neck.
"I'm sorry." He whispered, first for your brother. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude or cause more upset. I just. I needed to be here, just to tell you that I want to be there for you, even in your darkest moments, especially in your darkest moments." The second for his unexpected presence.

You couldn't find your voice, instead, you curled your fingers into his shirt, pulling him closer. 
When a few silent moments passed and your father called you for dinner, C/n finally broke the silence.

"I'll let you guys be. I just wanted to tell you I'm here." He reiterated, attempting to pull away, his arms lingered for a moment.

"Stay." You whisper finally, your voice cracking. "It's too late to drive all the back now. "

"I'll be okay, I promise." He stands, helping you up. "I don't want to intrude any more than I have." 
"You don't have to." You kept hold of his hand. "I'd just worry myself sick if I thought you'd close your eyes even for a moment whilst you were driving." C/n couldn't deny the fact that he felt tired, that the monotonous rhythm of driving could send him to sleep.


"Okay. I'll stay." He squeezes your hand.

He joined your family for dinner before you showed him to the guest room.

"Let me know if you need anything." You whisper, leaning against the doorway as he sat on the edge of the bed. The glow of the bedside lamp highlighted the way he looked at you.

"You could have said something you know?" He questioned you. 
"I... I uh." You stuttered. "I didn't want to disrupt work." 
"You didn't even have to come in." He swallows. 
"I know." You sighed, looking to the ground. "The company is so important to me, I always try to work my hardest. I couldn't imagine losing that. Losing you guys." You shook your head. 
"I thought you knew..." His words avoided the subject of his sentence, your stomach twisted waiting for him to speak again. 

Hey everyone, so somehow, this one has gone from a two-parter to a three-parter, let's hope that's where it ends lmao. 

I hope you're all enjoying and that your day/night is full of hugs, 


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