Sunflower Fields

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The Sunflower festival was a bi-annual event. A tradition that started in the early 1950s and carried through until 2021. That year, the floods came and the town spent so much time repairing everything that the sunflower festival didn't go ahead.

The muddied waters dragged most of the bright flowers from the ground.

So 2021 went without sunflowers. Only in November 2022 did everyone realize they should probably start planning for the year ahead.

When the meeting was held to decide who was going to plan and manage the event, everyone turned to you. You couldn't be more delighted, you had been waiting for this moment for years.

You had three months before the opening day.

Fortunately, you were good at this kind of thing and you had a large team to help you get everything done. Unfortunately, this team included C/n. Though the man was attractive and used lines that would make anyone melt... you couldn't stand him.

If anyone asked, as your best friend often did, you couldn't answer why you disliked him so much. You just did. Maybe it was because when he was around, he was always right there or perhaps it was the way your stomach tied itself in knots when you knew he could pop up at any moment.

Your stomach was feeling exactly that way as stood before the giant dirt field, as you knew that he would arrive any moment with his workmates to start planting the sunflowers.

This year, you added your own twist to the sunflower displays. Including a field that attendees could go and pick their own for a small price, a photo wall and a sunflower maze.

The last part was causing you a headache. Mostly because when you'd messaged C/n about the logistics, he would only agree if he designed the maze without you involved.

Seeing this as your only option. You agreed. Now you'd have no idea where the exit would be.

You continued working at other aspects of the festival, catching sight of C/n's car as he pulled in beside the bench you worked at.
"Good Morning Sunflower." He greeted you, peering over your shoulder at your work.

"C/n." You responded, rolling your eyes at his antics.

"You're glowing today Y/n/n." He nicknamed you.
"I'm in overalls C/n, that hardly equates to glowing." You scowl.

"It's not the overalls that make you glow Y/n/n, it's your love for this festival. You just... glow, there's no other word for it." He explains. "The overalls are just a cute bonus."
"Don't you have a sunflower maze to plant?" You glare, hoping he would leave you in peace.

"Yeah, I suppose I better get on with it..." He hesitates, looking over my face for a moment.

"What is it?" You questioned, irritated by his presence.

"Nothing. Nothing..." He stands from the table I'm working at, heading toward the dirt where the other guys were already working. He turns back on himself. "You're really beautiful."

"You really have a thing for overalls huh?" You taunted, not lifting your head from your work.

"No." He shakes his head. "As a human being, you are really beautiful." He admits, now gaining your full attention. "And I think I might like you... a lot. I don't know what I've done to annoy you ... or offend you but I'm sorry for whatever it is, or even if I just don't come across like I want... maybe I'm just not your type... or you don't like someone that always has dirt on their hands..."

"What are you going on about C/n?"
"You know what... never mind." He turns away, proceeding to work on planting the sunflower seeds.

You cursed him for saying such heart-warming things as it was now stopping you from doing anything but think about him. Now and then you would glance over as he worked, each time his hands and clothes dirtier than the last.

You left close to 2 in the afternoon to pick some things up from the store and returned an hour later to find that the only person left on the field was C/n. You tried at first to proceed with your work. You couldn't.

In silence, you stepped onto the dirt, thanking your past self for choosing to wear boots instead of flats. You knelt next to him, beginning to place seeds in each of the holes he dug.

"You're going to get your cute overalls all dirty." He commented almost instantly.

"I don't mind a little dirt." The corners of your lips quirked just enough for him to see your intentions. You lean over holding his hand with both of your own. "I'm sorry for how I've treated you." You whisper.

"That means a lot to me." He responds. "I'm sorry about before."
"Don't be." You shook your head. "Look, I just wanted to say-." And just like every annoying moment in the movies, his phone rang.
"You're not going to let me ignore that are you?" He inquires. You shake your head. "I would you, just so you know, I would ignore any phone call if I'm right about what you were about to say."
"You're going to miss them." You replied. He sighs, standing to his feet as he takes the call. After it's taken ten minutes and you hear softer, loving language from him, you decided there were other places you had to be. Especially when you recognise the feeling in your chest as jealousy.

And you avoided him as much as you could.

The next time you saw him, was the closing night of the sunflower festival...


Hello :D,

So, this was an idea that kind of just came from two very different sections of my brain. Hopefully, it's good. 

Thank you all so much for reading,

I hope you have a fanpluckingtastic day/night.


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