My Two Best Friends

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Little over six months ago you had officially been party to the most soul-destroying conversation that had taken place in your life. 


"We need to tell you something." C/n had announced of nowhere as you ate lunch, the use of the word we concerning you. 

"Hmm?" You responded looking between C/n and Y/BF/N who sat across from you.

"We're um..."
"We're going out." Y/BF/N finished his failed sentence. 

"Huh?" You questioned your eyes widening as you swallowed the emotion in your throat. "You're dating? My two best friends?" 
"Yeah..." C/n scratches the back of his neck.
"OMG!" You screeched, forcing yourself to be excited. "This is the best!" You lean over the table and hug them both.

"Really?" Y/BF/N asked, "You're not mad?"
"Nope." You denied though your throat was closing in.

"I mean come on... in a group of three, two girls and a guy, it's bound to happen." This wasn't a lie but you hadn't expected it to be like this. "You okay C/n?" You raised a brow at his pale face and serious expression.

"I just had a terrible realisation." He mumbled.
"What's wrong baby?" That word coming from Y/BF/N killed you. 
"I actually thought she was going to disown us, how could I think that?" He burst to life and part of you felt as if perhaps he was doing the same as you.

"Truly offence." You scoffed moving on with your lunch, stuffing your food into your mouth so you could get out of there as quickly as you could.

That had been the very conversation that made you sick to your stomach every time you thought of it, though you wanted them to be happy. 

Now, you were taking part in an entirely different conversation that seemed slightly ridiculous to you, one that could have taken place in a badly written film. 

"We were wrong okay? We never wanted to date each other." Y/BF/N explained. "We were using each other because really we had feelings for you." Her words caused your eyes to pop out of your head. (Not literally). Your eyebrows knitted together as you processed her words. 

You turned to C/n for reassurance that you had heard her correctly and as you hadn't expected, he was completely serious, staring at you with those Cn/E/C eyes, waiting for something to leave your lips.

"But now we've spent the last hour arguing over you because we both want you... And in fact, he's being a bit of butthead considering I was doing him a favour by breaking up with now so I could confess to you... so I should have been given right of way." 

"That's bull." C/n finally spoke. "Even if that's the case, it's not how it works, she mightn't even like you... she mightn't like me either..." His voice softened on the last part realising he was putting his heart on the line with no evidence that it wouldn't get broken.

You remained silent, unsure as to how to approach the topic. 

The two of them continued to argue back and forth, Y/BF/N arguing that she hadn't had a fair chance and C/n defending your own right to have an opinion. But you already knew your answer, it was whether or not you could do it whilst the other friend was there.

But then again, they had paid you no mind when they thought they wanted to date each other. 

"I want you to both confess to me... like you would have if you didn't talk about it, that way, you've both had a chance to get it out... And however this ends, we are to remain friends." You broke your silence, announcing how it was to take place.

First Y/BF/N took her best shot. 

"I have had a crush on you since we met really... I just... I don't think I've really realised it until I started dating C/n, I don't know why but it was so sudden, I just knew... I love you." She admits, holding your hands, C/n sitting on the couch, his leg bouncing rapidly.

"Come." You lead Y/BF/N into another room causing C/n's stomach to sink as he knew what you were doing, or so he thought.

"I don't love you like that Y/BF/N... It's always been C/n... and the worst thing about that is I think you knew that... all along..." You sighed hugging her. "You will always be my best friend..." You hum "But you have to understand that I can't just let this opportunity go by... not when I think he could be the greatest love of my life, cheesy I know." You said and Y/BF/N nodded before giving you another hug and leaving the room, sending C/n in. 

"Alright... um. Well, after that I'm not sure how I'm going to get through this." He exhaled, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye as he expected that his heart was already denied and he was now making a fool of himself.

"You knew... even back at the diner when we said we were dating, you knew I wasn't fully committed, you saw it... I wanted nothing more than for you to jump in cut us off, put your foot down as say we couldn't because I was doing to try and get over you ... but of course, you didn't, because you're not like that... you're too kind. And I thought for a moment that you had that look as well but now I know that it was Y/BF/N you wanted... not me." His head hung as he confessed to you and by this point, your heart had broken for him.

"You're such an idiot." You smiled but he didn't see it, your words cut him.

"I know." He mumbles.
"No." You denied him his self deprecating words. "Look at me." And he couldn't help but do it, just in case it was the last time he looked you in the eye like this.

"You. You are it for me." You confessed. "No one else." 


"I love you." You cut him off, pulling him by the neck into a kiss.
"I love you too." He wrapped his arms as far around you as he could. "I don't know what I would've done without you."
"That was never an option." You assured him, whispering against his neck.

Hey! Sorry, this one is so long... I hope you like it.

Happy Boxing day! And Christmas to some!

I hope your day/night is dance worthy.


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