Going Down

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"I can't believe you just did that, I thought you were better than that." Your best friend C/N growled as the two of you entered the elevator up to the floor your school was staying on during the class trip.

"Better than saving you from ending up tangled in the lies and bitchiness of that bitch?" You scoffed. "You put way too much faith in me." You stand on the opposite side of the elevator to him.

"Why can't you just stay out of my business! I finally have the chance to kiss the girl of my dreams and you come and pull me by the hair?! I mean what kind of person does that!" Your heart breaks for the thousandth time listening to him ramble on about E/N being his soulmate.

"Because if you go out with her, I'm not going to be around this time to pick up the pieces C/N! She has tortured me since grade five and I thought perhaps you'd have the decency to take your best friend's feelings into account when picking the fucking girl, you want to marry one day but perhaps we are not as close as I once thought we were!" You snapped screaming at the top of your lungs.

He stared at your silently, confusion and anger mixing in his E/C eyes. You paced back and forth knowing that the words spinning in your head were not going to be contained any longer.
"I can't stick around if you see her! I can't continue to clean up the mess you make of our hearts anymore!" You choke as you begin to cry.
"Our hearts! Our hearts! What do you mean our hearts! For a second there I thought perhaps you really REALLY cared about me but now I see that you're just doing it because your own pathetic heart can't grow up and get over the past so that she can continue to see her best friend even when he's with the girl he likes." He slammed his fist into the elevator buttons.

"You thoughtless little...!" You stopped yourself... "My heart breaks every time I see you heartbroken over her! Every time you think you're close to her and you're not! My heart breaks when you're with her because I love you! I love you for fucks sake C/N! So yeah, I can't continue to clean up the mess your make of our hearts C/N because I'm ALWAYS picking up your pieces and lately, I've just left mine shattered because it happens so often that there's no point anymore!" You take a breath realising what you just said. "There's no point to us anymore..." You speak softly.

His E/C eyes well with tears as he looks over your features trying to figure out if you were serious and when he saw it in your eyes that you meant it, he managed to find his words.

"I never thought I'd hear your say that... not seriously but if that's what you want... what you need... then okay... but I want you to know that I..." He was interrupted as the elevator came to a halt causing both of you to fall to the ground.

"What's happening?" You whispered.
"I think we're stuck..." He took your hand in his.

"Oh god..." You gulped.

You shuffled closer to C/N never having liked elevators for this very reason. He went to wrap you in a hug knowing your fear but didn't have a chance before a loud sound tempted fate...


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