Songs in Your Head (P.t.2)

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"Y/n." The boy who you had been trying to avoid called out to you as you moved through the people crowding in the hallway. You tried to increase your pace but found that more and more people were moving to their next class. 

"Y/n, stop." He shouted again. "I know you're hearing me." 
All day you'd had people looking at you as if they knew what you had done. They didn't of course, only a few people had seen you and it wasn't something they would spread the word about. 

C/n however, was too aware of what had happened. It was a little hard not to be when he had been kissed by you. 

"Y/n, come on." You managed to cut him off after taking a sharp left into the girl's bathroom, locking yourself in a stall, you leaned against the door. 

"Come on Y/n I want to talk to you."He pleaded but the bell rang and silence ensued for a moment. "You can't avoid me forever." He says before leaving you in peace. 

When you knew you were safe you proceeded to your next class. You managed to get through the day without running into C/n again. Part of you knew he wasn't going to try and find you when you expected it. 

You were correct. 

Just when you thought you had succeeded, he sat on the empty bus seat next to you. You cursed yourself for sitting next to the window, now backed into a corner. 

"You are not an easy woman to get a hold of." He sighs, leaning back in his seat. You could from the deep breaths that he had run from his class on the other side of the school to get to the bus on time. 

"Here." You handed him your water bottle. 
"Thank you." He huffs, drinking half of your water. You couldn't help your smile when he melted further into his seat. "Can we talk now, please? I promise I don't bite." 

"I have to admire your determination." You sigh. "Aren't you afraid I'm going to, I don't know, randomly kiss you again or something?" You tried to keep it casual, not making a big deal out of it. 

"Afraid...?" He snickers. "Nervous sure... I mean, what if I'm a terrible kisser and you never want to kiss me again." He gulps. 

"Wouldn't happen." You blurted before you could stop the words from coming out of your mouth. "I like you too much."

"Really?" His eyes widened.

"Of course I do, it's you." You shoved his arm. 

Your heart thuds against your chest as he cups the back of your neck, pulling you in, his lips connecting with yours. Just as you had wanted to the last time, he deepened the kiss. 

"You got me to write a song for Y/e/n." You hit his chest lightly, in disbelief. 

"No, I didn't." 
"I got you to write a song about you, that I was going to sing to you." He admits. 

"But I thought you liked Y/e/n?" You tried to keep your volume down but some people were listening in. 

"No, no, never." He shook his head. "It's always been you." 

"Then I kissed you for no reason." You rested your head against the seat in front of you. 

"For no reason?" You could hear the strain in his voice. You realised your mistake. 
"Not no reason... sorry, that came out wrong." You correct yourself. 

"I'm confused." He confesses. 
"I kissed you because I didn't want you to see Y/e/n making out with y/b/f/n." You admit. 

"Oh..." He nodded before a smile crept along his face. "That's pretty sweet of you." 

"But I do like you." You assure him. "I have for a while. I mean, who wouldn't?" 

"I'm glad to hear." 
"And you were really going to sing the song to me... that I wrote... I mean, I wrote that song about how I feel about you." 

"That's even sweeter." He hangs his head, cheeks reddening by the passing moment. 

"I think we need to start fresh." You state.
"I agree." 

"Nothing in the past few days and I didn't write a song." 
"This is a normal day." He agrees. 




"Hey Y/n, I really like you." He confesses instantly.

"I really like you to C/n." You smile, pressing your lips to his again. 

"And by the way, I'm still performing this in front of our friends, they've been waiting for a long time." He gesture to the paper you wrote the song on.

"You're lucky you're cute." You smirked and one last time before the bus stopped down from your house, he kissed you. 

You were like a song in his head. He could never stop thinking about you.

Hello everyone, 

I'm not happy with this one, I don't think it's very good.

Hopefully you enjoy it all the same. Maybe I'll come back to it sometime.

I promise better ones are coming up. 

I hope you day/night are awesome saucesome


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