My Favorite Flavor

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You finished eating your food in the cafeteria, taking out one of your many chap sticks. You were known for having a variety of different flavours and people constantly wanted to use them which you were happy to share.

You smiled down at your favourite flavour, cotton candy. It was the only one you didn't let people use. It was hard to find and when you found it you bought whatever was left.

You rubbed your lips together, making your friend's laugh as you do it dramatically. Their faces drop to serious pretending they hadn't been laughing about anything. You turned around knowing who was behind you.


You smiled, getting up and hugging him. He was the popular guy of the school, but the two of you had become close friends over a science project.

"Hello." He greets you friendly, not letting you out of his grip.
"What's up? You're extra clingy today." You smirked, knowing he had hugged you a million times already that day.

"I don't know." He shrugged, staring into your eyes. "Your lips look dry, that's not normal." He brushes his thumb along your bottom lip, making you blush.

"really." You turned around and grabbed the lip balm from the table. "I just used it." You furrowed your eyebrows before applying more, all while he was still holding you by the waist. "Better?" You wiggled your eyebrows.

"Much." He tilts his head. "Hey what does that one taste like? Can I have some?" He puckers his lips like they'd been filled with Botox. You laughed before shaking your head.

"You know I don't let anyone have that one." You booped him.

"Give me some! I'm your best friend." He acted like a kid, stomping his foot.
"Make me." Your voice turned childish as you playfully hit his chest.

Without warning, his lips crashed against yours, his tongue instantly hit your bottom lip devouring the taste of your cotton candy lip balm. You melted into him, your gasp, allowing him a chance to slip his tongue into your mouth.

As the two of you pulled away, you realised that you were now the only two in the cafeteria. You tapped his chest, playing down the kiss.

"Tastes good." His voice deepens.

"You're an idiot." You rolled your eyes before running away. "See you later, late for science." You said, leaving the room. He stood there, his heart thumping in his throat.

You spent the rest of the day thinking about what that kiss could have possibly meant. On your way home you decided it had to be just a way to be the only other person to use your special lip balm.

You went straight up to your room and went into the shower. You washed over your body, your lips tingling constantly, longing for his lips again. You got out frustrated that your mind couldn't stop thinking about him, it was normal, you liked him but this was different, he gave you hope.

You got dressed into one of his shirts he left at your house and a pair of pink flannelette pants and wandered back into your room. You jumped as a strong grip took you by the waist and kissed you. You pulled away smiling widely as you saw C/n's E/c eyes.

"That tastes so good." He pecks your lips again.
"I'm not wearing any." You said in wonder.

"Exactly, I like you, a lot and you are my favourite flavour." He leaned in and kissed you again, his lips feeling like a puzzle piece slotting in with yours.

"Forget cotton candy, where can I get more of you." You both cracked up laughing.

Thank you so much for over 500 reads, I'm feeling so inspired at the moment lol. Also go check out my new book!

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