Cruel (p.t 1)

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It was cruel hiring a teacher like him. He was understanding, he listened and actually managed to educate his students. His face was the icing on the cake, his body the cherries on top of the cake.

"Who has cherries on a cake?" You questioned as you wrote notes in your book.

Your friend began to laugh bringing your attention to the person you were referring to, stood in front of your desk ensuring you were all doing your work. As you looked up at his face, you saw the curiosity in his eyes.

"What was that?" He questioned biting back a smirk.

"Nothing." You swallowed refusing to lift your head again to meet his eyes.

"Class, Y/n has posed a very good question... an important question... and I think we should all answer it..." His raised voice brought everyone's eyes to you, causing your cheeks to flush. You continued trying to do your work.

"If you had a chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, would you have cherries on top?" The man had a thing for spontaneous tangents midway through class, which within your time in science you had provided quite a few opportunities for.

"Raise your hand if you would..." You considered raising your hand, but you knew he was speaking of the physical aspect of cake and icing with cherries and not what you had been thinking of. It was still surprising for you how many people rose their hands. Out of the auditorium of people, 20-30 hands rose.

"Interesting. Who would?" Others rose their hands. "And who isn't sure?" He asks again the rest of the students raise their hands, he sits on the edge of your desk. "Okay, raise your hand if you wouldn't have them together but you would have cake or cherries." More than half of the class rose their hands.

"Very interesting. Alright, homework for tonight, what do your family think of cherries on a cake?"

It was surprising that you actually learnt anything about science considering you spent so much time talking about completely random subjects. This could have been because you put your head down and did your work even when he broke away from the educational subject.

"Now..." He leans in close, his eyes glimpsing over your work. "Why did you ask that?" His voice vibrates in your ears. "Have something against cherries on cake?" He hums the edge of his voice, causing you to question if he wasn't talking about cake as you had thought.

Unable to bring your stare to meet his, you stand from your desk, grabbing your bad and dashing from the room, leaving your notebooks behind, knowing that your friend would return them to you.

Little did you know your teacher was going to hold your books hostage as your friend reported after class.

"You're kidding me?" You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"He wouldn't let me get them, he said you'd have to come to get them after school..." Your friend conceals her smile, trying not to giggle over it. Everyone in the school had started falling for the man, half of the school population drooling over him. Even your friend who had no interest in the male race had developed somewhat of a crush on him.

"That was totally hot you know that... how he leaned in..." She teased you and you thanked the lords that at least you were college students, and your friends' comment didn't completely weird you out.

"Shut up." You hissed, walking into your next class, which you spent contemplating your afternoon, you knew what you had to do for science, and you could borrow a friends textbook if you needed to but at the same time curiosity piqued in the pit of your stomach.

But when you came to the classroom door and he spotted you through the window, your book on his knee as he wrote in it, you couldn't bring yourself to enter.

You turned on your heels, chasing your friend out the front entrance, hoping that perhaps your teacher didn't recognize you through the door.

This was becoming too hard.

And the next day didn't make it easier...

Hi Again! I'm back! I was on a short... not so short break. BUT I'M BACK. 

I hope you enjoyed this and I hope I can have a part 2 up soon but I do intend to have a few Halloween ones up as well :).

I hope you have an awesome day/night!!!


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