Anxiety and Fear are Friends

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You had always hated class trips, especially when you had to been assigned to a group for the day, this trip happened to be doomed from the beginning, you were in a group with not only Y/e/n and her friends but C/n, the heart swoon of your grade.

You were walking through the gate, Y/e/n and her pack ran ahead, taking selfies and cackling, C/n fell between you and them. You walked around the park doing whatever the girls wanted to do. C/n talked with them hesitantly between longing looks of the giant rollercoasters.

You furrowed your eyebrows as they walk, knowing that the rules were at least two people had to stay with belongings and two people go on a ride at one time, it was the buddy system.

The five of you sat down to have lunch, you concentrating on overcoming your nerves before the day ended. You ate your food, barely able to hear the conversation around you due to the insane amount of people moving through the restaurant.

You turned your head to look at C/n who sat next to you, your chairs a fair ways apart, you had enough space to see the frantic way his eyes moved around the room. He erupted up from his seat.
"I'll be back in a minute." He hurried, the girls paying him no mind as he rushed around to the toilets.

Your foot started bouncing as you considered the way he looked, how pale he was and the way his chest moved so rapidly. With a minute having passed and the girls not caring about his absence unless they were flirting with him (99% of the day), you left the table, not bothering to alert them.

You gulped as you stopped in front of the Men's room, you breathed in before heading inside, thanking the theme park owner for separating the urinal and the sinks with a wall. C/n hunched over the sink, the rest of the place empty for the moment, you placed your hand on his shoulder.

"C/n..." You whispered, his head snapped up looking at you with wide eyes, his cheeks flushed but maintained their pale edge, his face dripping due to having washed it over with water.

"Y/n..." He mumbled, standing up straighter. "What are you doing?"
"Are you alright?" Are the only words you managed as they were the ones you rehearsed all the way in. He stared at you, his mouth open as he tries to answer, his eye betraying him as he does.

"I'm fine." He smiles. You raised your eyebrows, your worry overriding your nerves, you called bullshit without saying a word. "I'm fine truly." He tries to reassure you.

Without thought you take his hand in yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze, he lets out a shuddered breath, swallowing to stop his voice from trembling. "I um, I had a panic attack... I get them sometimes." He struggles to admit it.

"Jeez C/n, why would you try to handle that alone?" You put your hand to his cheek.

"I um..."

"What the hell is she doing in here man?" A stranger came into the bathroom, questioning your presence.
"Screw off man." C/n didn't hesitate to stand up for you, the man rolls his eyes, leaving you be, C/n turns back to you, your hand still on his cheek. Before he could try to reason, you did something completely out of character for you, you hugged him, holding him as close to you as you could.

"I'm here for you." You whisper against his shoulder. "Any time." He fails to answer you and you're okay with that, you lead him back out to the table, holding his hand even as you sit down and continue to eat your food.

He shares a meek smirk with you, barely able to eat his meal as the other girls are now in hurry to move on. Y/e/n takes C/n's hand, scowling at you before skipping down the street, C/n glanced over his shoulder at you every now and then.

"Hey, guys can we go on one of the rollercoasters?" C/n manages to speak up as you walk passed the entry of one.

"Um... well we're not going on one, they're lame, and you can't go one by yourself so." Y/e/n sassed, her hip popping.

"I-I'll do it." You stutter knowing there was nothing more you hated than going on rollercoasters, they scared you to death. "I'll go." You nod, a wide smiling spreading on C/n's face. "You guys have to stay down here." You couldn't deny that not giving Y/e/n an option was empowering.

You followed C/n up to the line, your hands shaking as your fear overwhelmed you, as you came to the front of the line, you sat next to C/n, nearly in tears from your fear. As they locked you in, C/n noticed the way you were clenching your eyes shut.

Your eyes burst open when his hand takes yours, placing a kiss on your knuckles, you stare at him in questioning as you begin ascending up the top of the first drop which was almost vertical.

"Look, Y/n I've liked you for a really long time, I've always been too scared to tell you but now seemed like a really good time as you seem scared shitless, and I was hoping this would distract you until we dropped because after that everything goes really quickly...." Your breathing continues to race as you concentrate on his words. "Just know that I really didn't want to do this because I know you don't like me, and I don't want to be rejected but that's how much I like you."

He manages to blurt just as you edge over the peak, hurtling down the drop and around all the bends and loops. You scream the entire way, somehow managing to keep your eyes open, your hand practically breaking C/n's.

When you came off, C/n looked a good mix of sick and content, mostly because you had just made his day by going on a rollercoaster but all the same you were about to break his heart. You smiled widely as you exited, loving the experience you just had but not as much as C/n's confession.

Then you realized, he was so nervous and hurt because he honestly thought you didn't like him, you made it your mission to prove him wrong.

So, you did the most obvious thing you could think of, in front of half of the park, you pulled him by the collar and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss, a laugh vibrating in his throat as he kissed you back. He hugs you close as you pull away, your toes lifting off the ground.

"I really like you too." You laugh as he does so, not caring that the people you knew were watching.

"You're my everything." He kisses your nose. 

Just a little treat, second update for the week. I really like this one. 

I hope this makes your day/night a little brighter :)!


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