Haunted Sleep (p.t.2)

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Trigger Warning, this part may be distressing for some readers. Viewer discretion is advised.

You didn't go to work for the next week. You felt you needed some time to reset your brain. Put yourself first for once in an act of self-care. 

You still weren't sleeping much and anyone who knocked on your door was promptly ignored. Socialization wasn't going to help you, it only increased your anxiety. You knew most would call you silly but it was a sickening feeling in the bottom of your stomach that these dreams were preparation for the real thing. 

A lot had been learned from the experience you had to admit, in that week you'd earned your first aid certificate. Knowing how to help someone made you feel a little better. You'd done far too much research on different situations and you knew you were feeding into it but at this point, you couldn't care. 

In the last few days, the dreams dissipated and you felt yourself level back out. Three days of pure relaxation before you walked back into the office. 
C/n was in the hallway when you arrived. He wasn't looking too great himself. A touch tired, hair messy, and outfit out of sorts. 

"Y/n/n." He smiled pulling you into a hug. He'd never done that at the office. An arm over the shoulder sure but never anything more. "It's good to have you back." He exhaled. 
"Yeah, it's good to be back." You were bright again and it filled his chest seeing it. "I am back to only being slightly insane." You joked. 
"I don't know. Completely insane Y/n was pretty cute." He teased you. 

"Shut up." You laughed. "Come on, let's get on with some work. How have things been?" You walked into the main office, sitting at your desk. 

"Not so bad." 
"Really? Because you look like a wreck." 
"Thanks." He scowled. "I was worried about you, that's all." 
"You shouldn't have been, I got over it." 
"So you're allowed to be worried about me but not vice versa?" He questions, smiling in a taunting manner. 
"Exactly." You giggled.

The day went on as it did before those horrible dreams started. The two of you making silly faces and kicking each other's feet under the desk. You were glad to have found a desk partner with the same childish sense of humor. 

He walked you home that afternoon. You never drove to work. He followed you right up to your apartment door, where you invited him inside. 
"I should really get home and get some sleep now that I know you're ok." He sighs. "But how about tomorrow night, I'll come over and watch a movie." 

"Sounds good to me." You smile with a new energy in your face. 

You said goodbye, had a shower, and got into your pajamas. 
That's when you heard the thud in the hallway. Drying your hair as you shuffled out to the loungeroom in your socks.

Another thud, then a crash, and a clap of a bullet being shot from a gun. You peered through your peephole, finding people breaking into the apartment buildings.

Backing up, you call the police who insist you lock yourself in a room and stay on the line. Sitting at the foot of your bed with your knees against your chest, you began to cry at several gunshots. Your phone cuts out. No one calls back. 

Now alone, you can only think to call one person. They were going to break through your bedroom door, it was inevitable. You weren't about to spend the last moments of your life talking to Veronica at the police station, no matter how nice she was. 

"Y/n?" His voice was husky with sleep, he must have passed out the moment he got home. 
"H-hey." You tried to regulate your voice but struggled to do so. 
"Hey? Is something wrong? The dreams back." 
"Uh, yeah. Something like that." You whispered. "I just-." You started to cry harder. "I wanted to say that I really care about you and I love you so much. You're my favorite person in the whole world." 
"What's going on?" The thump on your bedroom door added to his concern. "What's that noise?" 
"I'm sorry. I don't want you to hear this. Goodbye, C/n." You hung up before dashing into your wardrobe just before they broke in. 

"Where are you precious? I heard you talking to someone." He taunts you as he searches the room for you. With the luck of having two wardrobes, he checks the one opposite you first.

Then he flung the doors open to the wardrobe you hid in. 

C/n raced out his front door the moment you hung up. He wished now that he had accepted your invitation. Something bad was happening, his stomach was twisted in knots. 

Police surrounded the building upon his arrival, body bag after body bag was being brought out of the building. They wouldn't let him pass the barriers. 

"My girl...she's in there." He screams. 
"I'm sorry sir, so far we haven't found any survivors." 
Those words brought him to his knees, vision blurring, ears ringing. He screamed to the skies. Then when more families came and joined him. The police officers turned their back. 

And C/n ran, ignoring everyone who was yelling at him. He burst into your apartment. There was blood everywhere. It only made the crack in his chest worse. 

He ran through the apartment until he reached your bedroom. 
"Y/n?" He kept calling to you. There was no sign of you or your body. "Y/n, please." He was pleading for anything willing to keep you alive. 

"C/n?" Your voice echoed in his head. He whipped around, seeing your hand on the window sill. 
"Y/n." He rushes over, and takes your hand, helping you back inside. 

What neither of you expected was the last gunshot of the evening.

Directed right at the pair of you. 

So, I can either leave this here or give it a part three.

So, part three?

I love this story, I made it a lot more intense than I thought but I love it all the same. 

I hope your day/night is cute and cuddly. 

See you in the next part. 


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