Stood Up

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"You look adorable." Bff/n smiled as she stepped back, taking in the outfit she had managed to pull together from your wardrobe. 

"We have very different opinions of the term adorable." You whispered looking at yourself in the mirror.

"You're right, you are downright hot." Your friend nodded, impressed with herself. 

"Isn't it a bit cold out for something... that short?" C/n asked from his spot on the bed, he fiddled with the hem of his flannel shirt. 

"That's why she's going to wear a coat." Bff/n rolled her eyes, pulling one out of your closet. 

"She can have mine. It's thick." C/n swallows, eyes cast downward. 
"Now what kind of message would that send to her date." Bff/n glared at him through the mirror. "Now, let's get some lip gloss on, make sure they're nice and kissable." She applies the makeup to you, ignoring the way your eyes were busy looking at the figure behind you. 

It took him a moment but eventually, he felt your stare, sending you an encouraging smile and cheeky wink causing you to smile. 

"Stop moving, you're going to make yourself look like a circus clown." 

"What kind of other clown is there?" You asked but regretted it immediately. 
"There are street clowns, busking clowns, clown clowns, killer clowns." Bff/n began to list. 
"Don't forget the sub-genre of killer clowns, being Killer Clowns from Outer Space."

"That's a good movie." You nod. "I could go for some fairy floss." 
"As long as it doesn't have humans inside right?" He asks eyebrow quirked in concern. 
"Oh no, the humans make it taste better." You joke. "Of course without the humans, you dumbass." 

With the lipstick and the shoes, you were sent out the door where your Uber was waiting for you. 

"You look beautiful by the way." C/n sent you a half smile on your way out. 
"Thank you." You chewed on the inside of your lip, looking back at him over your shoulder. 

Bff/n was beginning to think that she had made a mistake setting you up on this date. she could see it now as if the clouds had cleared. But there was nothing she could do.


You sat at the table of the diner, having ordered yourself a cup of coffee whilst you waited for your blind date to arrive. You had just five minutes to wait but it felt like so much longer. Your mind was stuck on C/n. 

Just as his was stuck on you. He had loved you from the moment you walked through the door of your new job, a place where he had already worked for a few years. It was cheesy but he couldn't deny the way you made his knees weak. The workplace became brighter when he knew he'd see you every day. The two of you were inseparable soon after. 

"Hey, am I right in saying you're Y/n?" A man approached you, he was tall with brown hair and green eyes. Handsome, you couldn't deny it but you knew exactly how this was about to go. 

"Yeah, I'm Y/n, you must be Steven." You smiled up at him. 

"Yeah, good to meet you. These are for you." He hands you a bunch of flowers. 

"Aw thank you." You breathed them in. 
"Don't thank me, really they're more of an apology than a present." He sighs, taking a seat across from you. "Bff/n says you're really nice and I have no doubt that you are, in fact, I'm depending on it because I'm afraid this is about to be a rather disappointing date." 

"Oh thank god." You smiled with relief, resting your head on the table. 
"Thank- Thank god?" He questioned. 
"If I'm being honest with you Steven, I really didn't want to go on a date." 
"Me either." He exclaims. 

"I'm so relieved, you have no idea." You laughed and he joined you. 
The two of you chatted for five minutes before he bid you farewell, promising to message you with updates on his situation. His situation being, he too was in love with someone else. He made this deal with you as long as you did the same. 

"I will, though I don't think there will be many updates, to be honest with you." You spoke before he left. 

C/n found he couldn't just sit around not knowing if you were okay or not. The fact that you hadn't messaged him concerned him a little. Only because you two had created a safety system for these kinds of occasions. The deal was either he or Bff/n knew were safe and where you were going and vice versa. You could never be too careful.

He did the one thing he knew you would have done by now. He drove to the diner you were supposed to be at, hoping that you were still there, that you hadn't left with your date and he hadn't a clue where you were. 

C/n held his breath as he stepped through the door of the diner, eyes darting around until his eyes fell on your figure. The breath pushed from his lips. You sat alone, sipping at a cup of coffee, staring out the window to a place so far away. 

His chest constricted thinking that someone had dared to stand you up. He knew it wasn't fair to think that, it was a blind date afterall. He knew no one in their right mind would stand you up if they knew it was you. 
But it was still bad etiquette, especially when you're leaving someone waiting. 

As much as he hated to see you alone, he also saw his opportunity and thought perhaps you'd appreciated his way of going about it. 

"I'm sorry I'm late. You must be Y/n?" He smiled down at you, with a knowing look in his eyes. "Wow, you're gorgeous."

"You must be C/n?" You played along even through your confusion.

"I hope you didn't think I was standing you up. That would be so rude of me." Suddenly it snapped into place. He thought Steven had stood you up.

This was bound to be interesting...

Hey everyone!

I hope this one is okay. 
Do we want a part 2?

I hope you have a coffeeliscious day/night,


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