Christmas Chaos (P.t.2)

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What the hell happened? 

A question that you had been asking yourself since you had given him your present.... or more so since you kissed him. The question only became more relevant when a present turned up on your doorstep Christmas Evening. 

You knew it was from him before you read the card. 

But the two of you didn't speak before the new year. 

And when the fireworks went off at midnight, you thought of him. Wondered how things would go when you saw him next. 

You made it your mission to act as if nothing had happened. You suceeded and the two of you proceeded to get along as you always had. If not better. The two of you became closer, hanging out more often. 

It was nice. 

And before you knew it, it was Christmas time again. 

One year since you had kissed C/n and pretended nothing happened. 

As if everything was normal. 

This year you didn't wear your slacks and hoodie to the store when buying presents. You looked, somewhat presentable but not nearly as comfortable. You hadn't unfortunately learnt your lesson from last year, or the year before. 

It was two days before Christmas and you were shopping. As per usual. 

The store was chaos. Complete Christmas Chaos. 

You had one person left to buy for. You left him to last, for many reasons but mostly because this time of the year stirred the anxiety that sat in your stomach.... all because of him. 

"So we meet once again." His voice husks, vibrating in your ear. 

"Nope." You refuse, moving as quickly as you can to get away from him. 

"Y/n/n." He calls out behind you. "I'll see you in the carpark." You could hear the smirk in his voice. 

"I hate my life." You curse as you finally locate his Christmas present. 

With one last stop to pick up more hot chocolate, you made your way to the carpark, hand in your pocket, ready to set another mistletoe on fire if you had to. 

You pulled your coat closer to your body knowing that it had been snowing alot when you went in. 

C/n hadn't been lying, he was stood in front of your car, awaiting your arrival. 

But the mistletoe above his head was already on fire and the sprinklers were soaking him to the bone. Your eyebrows furrowed a his C/EC eyes met yours, almost amplified by the droplets of water gathering on his skin. 

You rushed to get to the car, throwing everything in before it could all get saturated. As you slammed the boot shut, you turned to get the trolley but C/n pushes it away from you. Your focus fell on him, who had continue to look at you as you the entire time. 

His hands cup your cheeks, pullin you into him, his lips, frozen in temperature, press against your own. He made up for every kiss he had wanted to give you throughout the year. 

And even as you sepearated and you did your best to get in the car, he spun you back around, repeating his previous action. You savoired the moment, memorising the way the butterflies fluttered in your chest. 

Then he was gone. 

You stood breathless and cold, just as you had left him previously. 

But you weren't going to be like him. You weren't going to let him get away with this. 

You ignored every message he sent over the next two days, let all of his calls go to voicemail until it was late on Christmas night. 

You drove over to his house, greeting his mother and sister with a hug and casual conversation. 

"Merry Christmas." You gleamed. 

"Merry Christmas." His sister smiled. 

"C/n said you were ignoring him, is everything alright dear?" 

"Everything is perfect." You smile, making your way up the stairs. You burst into his room as if you had been invited.

C/n stared at you with confusion, taking a moment before he pauses his movie, you unpack your stuff, placing his present on his desk and throwing your jacket over his desk chair. 

"What the hell Y/n/n? You've been ignoring me. I thought you had died or something." He pointed out the obvious. 

"Well, I thought we were repeating history, in which we pretend none of it happened come the new year." You explain. "But before then, we just ignore each others existence." 
"No." He responded. "That wasn't my intention." 
"Oh good, because I wasn't letting another year go past before I kissed you again." You crawled onto his bed, kneeling between his legs, you held his jaw, locking your lips again. 

"Merry Christmas C/n." 
"Merry Christmas Y/n/n." He simpers. 



To all those who celebrate, I'm wishing you a very Merry Christmas. To those who don't, I hope you have a lovely day/night. 

I'm not overly fond of this one but meh, who cares, it's Christmas fluff. 

I'm looking forward to the next one that should be out tomorrow. 

I hope you all have a fabulous day/night. 


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